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The Present Simple Tense - Perfect English Grammar

Present simple tense with other verbs: With all other verbs, we make the present simple in the same way The positive is really easy It's just the verb, with an extra ‘s’ if the subject is ‘he’, ‘she’, or ‘it’ Let's take the verb ‘play’ as an example: Positive (of 'play') I play you play he plays she plays it plays we play


SPELLING RULES FOR THE PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE (third person, he / she / it) 1 Add –s for most verbs: work – works buy – buys ride – rides return - returns 2 Add –es for words that end in –ch, -s , -sh, -x, or –z watch – watches pass – passes rush – rushes relax – relaxes buzz - buzzes 3

UNIT Work Simple Present: Part 1 - Cengage

3 2 Simple Present Spelling Rules: -s and -es Endings 1 Add -s to most verbs close–closes love–loves stop–stops dance–dances open–opens take–takes exercise–exercises play–plays write–writes feed–feeds put–puts work–works 2 Add -es to verbs ending in -sh, -ch, -s, -x, and -z wash–washes dress–dresses buzz–buzzes

Simple Present Exercises

Tutee’s Simple Present Tense Booklet (Tutor’s copy in Tutor Manual pages 103-118) Simple Present Exercises Exercise 1: Circle the keywords and fill in the blanks with the simple present in the affirmative 1 Mary (play) _____ tennis every day 2 My friends always (eat) _____ lunch at the cafeteria 3

Present simple or present continuous - Perfect English Grammar

Present Simple and Present Continuous Present Simple Present Continuous Things which are always true: • Water boils at 100 degrees Things which are happening at the moment of speaking: • The water is boiling now, so you can put in the pasta Permanent situations (or nearly permanent; true for a few years at least): • Julie lives in London


SIMPLE PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE TENSES This unit will help you to understand the simple present, past, and future tenses of a verb You will be able to write sentences using the correct tense, and to identify the correct tense of a verb present tense: The verb shows action that happens regularly example: Brandon plays football with Lee

Affirmative Negative Interrogative - WordPresscom

verb to do in the present simple This means we have to add –es in the 3rd person singular (he, she, it) while the main verb will be used in the infinitive A Complete the sentences, choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets 1 David _____ table-tennis (play/plays) 2

Present Tenses (I am doing/I do) with a Future Meaning

Simple present (I do) with a future meaning We use the simple present to talk about timetables, schedules, etc (for example, for public transportation, movies, etc ): n The plane leaves Chicago at 11:30 and arrives in Atlanta at 2:45 • What time does the movie begin? n Tomorrow is Wednesday

present simple or present continuous 1

Title: Microsoft Word - present simple or present continuous 1 doc Author: Seonaid Bell Created Date: 7/7/2008 12:00:00 AM

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1. Add s for most verbs:

work works buy buys ride rides return - returns

2. Add es for words that end in ch, -s , -sh, -x, or z.

watch watches pass passes rush rushes relax relaxes buzz - buzzes

3. Change the y to i and add es when the base form ends in a consonant + y.

study studies hurry hurries dry - dries Do not change the y when the base form ends in a vowel + y. Add s : play plays enjoy - enjoys

4. A few verbs have irregular forms:

be is do does go - goes have - has


1. Add ing to the base form of the verb.

read reading stand standing jump jumping BUT

2. Drop the final -e and add ing if a verb ends in a silent e,.

leave leaving take taking receive - receiving

3. Double the last consonant before adding ing in a one-syllable word, if the last three

letters are consonant-vowel-consonan combination: sit sitting run running hop - hopping However, do not double the last consonant in word that end in w, x, or y. sew sewing fix fixing enjoy - enjoying

4. In words of two or more syllables that end in a consonant-vowel-consonant combination,

double the last consonant only if the last syllable is stressed. admit admitting regret regretting (stress on second syllable)

5. If a verb ends in ie, change the ie to y before adding -ing.


1. If the verb ends in a consonant, add ed.

return returned help helped cook - cooked

2. If the verb ends in e, add d.

live lived create created die - died

3. In one-syllable words, if the verb ends in a consonant-vowel-consonant combination then

double the last consonant and add -ed. hop hopped rub - rubbed However, do not double one-syllable words ending in w, -x, or y. bow bowed play played mix - mixed

4. In words of two or more syllables that end in consonant-vowel-consonant combination,

double the last consonant only if the last syllable is stressed. prefer - preferred (last syllable stressed) visit - visited (

5. If the verb ends in a consonant + y, change the -y to -i and ed.

worry worried copy - copied

6. If the verb ends in a vowel +y, add -ed. (Do not change the y to i.)

play played annoy - annoyed

Exception: pay - paid, lay - laid, say said


SPELLING FOR 3RD PERSON SINGULAR (he / she / it) PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE SPELLING RULES FOR PRESENT CONTINUOUS / PARTICIPLE * Except if the noun has 2 or more syllables and the last syllable is stressed: regret-regretting SPELLING RULES FOR PAST SIMPLE / PARTICIPLE OF REGULAR VERBS

Verb Rule Examples

most verbs add -ing talk talking look - looking verbs ending in -e take away the e and add -ing give - giving live - living verbs ending in -ee add -ing free freeing see - seeing verbs ending in -ie change -ie to y and add -ing die dying lie - lying verbs ending in one vowel + consonant double the final consonant * and add -ing run - running stop - stopping verbs ending in two vowels + consonant add -ing read reading lead - leading

Verb Rule Examples

most verbs add -ed talk talked watch - watched verbs ending in -e or -ee add -d like liked agree - agreed verbs ending in consonant + y change -y to i and add -ed study studied try - tried verbs ending in vowel + y add -ed enjoy enjoyed play played verbs ending in one vowel + consonant double the final consonant* and add -ed plan planned stop - stopped verbs ending in two vowels + consonant add -ed rain rained Verb Rule Examples

Most verbs add -s run - runs help helps

Verbs ending in change -y to -i try - tries dry - dries a consonant + y and add es Verbs ending vowel + y add -s play plays Verbs ending in add -es finish - finishes -ch, -sh, -ss, -s, -x watch - watches Verbs ending in -o add -es go - goes do - does


SPELLING OF THE MAIN VERB - PRESENT SIMPLE: Complete the chart. I / you / we / they he / she / it I / you / we / they he / she / it crash crashes stay teach study try miss like say wash mix worry wear go touch give listen start cry carry live tie want SPELLING OF PRESENT PARTICIPLE. Complete the chart: SPELLING OF PAST SIMPLE / PARTICPLE OF REGULAR VERBS. Complete the chart: Infinitive -ing form Infinitive -ing form drop dropping lie ride win smile make ask wear drive get dream watch hit jump shut drink Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple want wanted enjoy live marry carry rain dance listen look rob stop talk hope plan ask wash


I / you / we / they he / she / it I / you / we / they he / she / it crash crashes stay stays teach teaches study studies try tries miss misses like likes say says wash washes mix mixes worry worries wear wears go goes touch touches give gives listen listens start starts cry cries carry carries live lives tie ties want wants Infinitive -ing form Infinitive -ing form drop dropping lie lying ride riding win winning smile smiling make making ask asking wear wearing drive driving get getting dream dreaming watch watching hit hitting jump jumping shut shutting drink drinking Infinitive Past simple Infinitive Past simple want wanted enjoy enjoyed live lived marry married carry carried rain rained dance danced listen listened look looked rob robbed stop stopped talk talked hope hoped plan planned ask asked wash washedquotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6