[PDF] expérience magma purée

Rapid One-Step Serum Detection of Parvovirus B19 DNA: The

LIGHTCYCLER 12 BIOCHEMICA · NO 4 · 2002 WWW ROCHE-APPLIED-SCIENCE COM Introduction With the help of the LightCycler real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techno-logy, a number of protocols and commercial

MagNA Pure 96 System - Roche Life Science Welcome

The MagNA Pure 96 System is a high-throughput instrument for automated nucleic acid purification Typical run duration is less than one hour for 96 standard volume samples

MagNA Pure 96 System Start here Go anywhere

MagNA Pure 96 reagent kits Prefilled, barcoded, and ready-to use MagNA Pure 96 Kits are prefilled and ready-to-use reagent trays that can be easily loaded

Application Highlight: Instruments for Sample Prep and QC

Data on flle All MagNA Pure 24 and MagNA Pure 96 Kits Consumables and Accessories are for in vitro diagnostic unless otherwise noted or Life Science Research Use Only

Versatile Nucleic Acid Purification Accelerate your Lab Workflow

Versatile Nucleic Acid Purification Accelerate your Lab Workflow FNR783_MPLC2 0_System_RZ qxd 30 07 2009 15:57 Uhr Seite 1

Detection of Herpes Simplex Virus DNA in Genital and Dermal

LightCycler PCR A5-ml aliquot of each extracted specimen was added to 15 ml of a master mixture for amplification LightCycler PCR (Roche Molecular

Public Health Laboratory Zika Virus Testing Capacity Survey

Roche MagNA Pure Compact 35 60 3 Roche MagNA Pure LC 2 0 34 58 6 Qiagen QIACube 19 32 8 bioMerieux NucliSENS easyMAG 18 31 0 Other – please specify 10 17 2

FFPET sample prep workflows for nucleic acid isolation

FFPET sample prep workflows for nucleic acid isolation MagNA Pure 24 kits, consumables and accessories are for in vitro diagnostic use unless otherwise noted

ASF in the Czech Republic: experience from the NRL

Petr Vaclavek , Pavel Bartak NRL for ASF, State Veterinary Institute Jihlava ASF in the Czech Republic: experience from the NRL Training session on African swine fever under the GF-TADs and

Technical Report Mycoplasma testing Preface of

6 Technical Report Introduction Despite the negative effects of mycoplasma contamination, cell cultures are rarely monitored, even though testing for mycoplasma contamination is a necessary quality control

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