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YouCook Dataset - webeecsumichedu

4 Precomputed Features 4 1 HOG3D Features The low level HOG3D features for our YouCook videos are obtained using the open source software provided by Klaser et al [¨ Kl¨aser et al , 2008 ]1 The codebook (1000 Words) is computed in a standard way using the K-Means algorithm2 We outline the main steps in Algo 1:

Genome Sequencing of Lycomia zaccaria gen nov sp nov

Description of Chryseobacteriumanthropisp nov to accommodate clinical isolates biochemically similar to Kaistellakoreensis and Chryseobacteriumhaifense, proposal to reclassify Kaistellakoreensisas Chryseobacteriumkoreensecomb nov and emended description of the genus Chryseobacterium IntJ SystEvol Microbiol 59, 2421–2428

Collision attack on NaSHA-512 - Cryptology ePrint Archive

1 Description of NaSHA NaSHA [1] is a hash functions family, de ned as NaSHA-(m,k,r) It adopts linear transformations LinTr 2s and quasigroup transformations MT The parameters mdenotes the length of hash value, kdenotes the complexity of MTand 22r denotes the order of used quasigroup The main transformations of MTis de ned by three


4 10 In the figure below, if the length of AB is 10, find the length of AD a 3 11 8 b 3 11 4 c 12 d 1 12 4 e 1 12 2 11 One solution of the equation xx2 7 2 0 is a 7 41 2 b 7 41 2 c 7 57 2 d 7 41 2 e 7 57 2 12 What is the slope of the line shown? You may assume that each tick mark represents one unit a 2 b 1 2 c 1 d

wwwtri-riverorg Fax: 8154396916 Tri-River Police Training

8:00 am till 4:00 pm This course complies with the guidelines of the following mandate(s): Procedural Justice Course Description: Officers will discuss and visualize the concept of Tactical Emergency Casualty Care as it applies to law enforcement tactical situations and the treatment of injured officers Officers

A New Approach of Helical Drill Sharpening Study

[4] a) b) Fig 1 The generating straight line of the back face, helical sharpening: a) with plane grinding wheel; b) with conical grinding wheel Obviously, this approach, for various sharpening methods, despite the advantages of the analytical forms simplicity for the back face description, is, in some cases, relatively far

ER-Force Team Description Paper for RoboCup 2009

many and ranked fourth We also successfully quali ed for the RoboCup 2008 in Suzhou, China but could not participate due to the high travel costs At the RoboCup German Open 2008 in Hannover, Germany we achieved a second place, our best result so far Our current goal is a successful participation at the RoboCup 2009 in Graz, Austria

Multi-Function Timer Remote Control

Manual Function Description: Adjust Camera Settings 1 Turn OFF the TM controller Remove the remote socket cover from the camera 2 Connect the TM controller to the camera and turn the camera ON Select the M function and choose BULB of the camera 3 Half press the shutter button for focus 4 Fully press the shutter button for release shutter 5

Hardware Description Price Qty Ext Price

Dell DisplayPort to DVI Adapter $23 39 5 $116 95 Dell HDMI to DVI Adapter $11 81 29 $342 49 Subtotal: $53,858 80 Description Price Qty Ext Price Software Microsoft Windows Server 2019 STD OS CORE SNGL OLP 16 LICENSES $972 00 4 $3,888 00 Microsoft Windows Server 2019 CAL SNGL OLP 1 LICENSE $42 00 60 $2,520 00 Subtotal: $6,408 00

Journée Jeunes Chercheurs de l’UMR TELEMMe 2019

6 Nicole Loraux, « Eloge de l'anachronisme en histoire », Le genre humain, n° 27, Seuil, 1993, p 23-39 : 2, cité dans Sophie Wahnich, « Archives, objet empirique et intuition du rapport passé/présent de l’historien

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[PDF] Présentation du travail effectué et objectif