[PDF] Positive and Negative Feedback Coordinate Regulation of

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NF-kB-mediated up-regulation of Bcl-x and Bfl-1yA1 is

pression of physiological levels of Bcl-x protected B cells from Fas-mediated apoptosis in the absence of NF-kB signaling Thus, our results suggest that CD40-mediated cell survival proceeds through NF-kB-dependent up-regulation of Bcl-2 family members CD40 is a 50-kDa glycoprotein member of the tumor necrosis

PTH-Related Peptide (PTHrP) in Hypercalcemia

nancy have changed considerably Up pression of Gli family members in the Natl Acad Sci U S A 84: 5048–5052, 1987 8 Strewler GJ, Stern PH, Jacobs JW

Corrections - PNAS

pression of ER- isoforms with ER- 1 was also performed in both cell line and yeast Lanes 1 and 2, 1 and 4, and 1 and 5 represent the samples overexpressing ER- 1 and - 2, ER- 1 and - 4, and ER- 1 and - 5, respectively (B) Tabulated results of in vitro estrogen receptor binding assay Four hundred micrograms of

Cancer Cell Previews - COnnecting REpositories

pression of CD44 (usually its larger iso-forms) is frequently elevated in epithelial and some hematopoietic tumors, most notably in those cell subpopulations that comprise tumor-initiating cells (Naor etal ,2008) However,theoverexpression of CD44 in cancer cells is not due to mutations in the CD44 gene but instead appears to be due to its

Positive and Negative Feedback Coordinate Regulation of

pression of R genes in response to patho-gens whose mode of attack targets RNA silencing pathways Coordinated upregulation of R genes within the cluster may be important if multiple genes are required for resistance In the Arabidopsis RPP2 locus, two tan-demly located R genes function interde-pendently, and both are required to initiate

Ethylene Represses Gene Transcription via Histone

regulation of histone acetylation They tested pression ofEIN3 Notably, this rescue was Acad Sci USA 114: 10274–10279 SRT1 and SRT2 repression of

Maternal Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Use During

nancy is associated with disrupted neurobehavioral regulation in full-birth-weight, healthy newborn in-fants METHODS Subjects The prospective study included 34 postpartum mothers who were 19 to 45 years of age and their 1- to 2-day-old newborns who were recruited at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina

Development and pilot testing of an adaptable protocol to

Sarah L Goff1,2*, Michael J Moran2, Kathleen Szegda3, Tina Fioroni4, Mary Ann DeBanate3 and Nancy Byatt5,6,7 Abstract Background: Postpartum depression (PPD) affects approximately 25 of women in lower-income and racial/ethnic minority populations in the USA Evidence-based interven tions for PPD screening and treatment exist, but many women

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