[PDF] Masterpiece: Interior with Eggplants, 1911 By Henri Matisse

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Matisse et les Hauts-de-France : 7 lieux qui ont construit l

A Saint-Quentin, Matisse a aussi fréquenté le lycée Henri Martin de 1882 à 1887 4 Au Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lille, Matisse comprend qu'il peut peindre à sa façon Henri Matisse, qui se cherche une voie, un style, a été marqué par son passage dans le musée

Henri Matisse - Amazon S3

Henri Matisse was born in 1869 in northern France While he was working in a law office as a young clerk, he became very ill with appendicitis As he was recovering, his mother gave him a paint set to keep him occupied in the hospital It was around this time that he decided to become an artist

Winthrop University

Plate 40 Henri Matisse, La Femme au chapeau (Woman with a Hat), 1905, oil on canvas, 81 x 60 cm San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Bequest of Elise S Haas (O Succession H Matisse/DACS 1993 PRIMITIVISM AND THE 'MODERN' juvénile et barbare' ('a youthful, primitive impetuosity'; Oppler, Fauvism Re-examined, p 344)

Masterpiece: Interior with Eggplants, 1911 By Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse was born in France in 1869, around the Photograph of Henri Matisse and other paintings La Femme au Chapeau, 1905 The Open Window, Collioure, 1905

Restitution aux héritiers, de l’œuvre d’Henri Matisse Mur

au cœur du film de Costa Gavras, Amen, réalisé en 2002 En 1949, sur la foi du tampon des douanes françaises, le tableau de Matisse est donc envoyé à Paris, où il est confié à la garde des musées nationaux en 1951

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francs for this purpose, Matisse travelled to London and spent about three weeks there, between 12th October and the first few days of November 3 London was the city where he had spent his honeymoon inJanuary 1898, his first trip out- side France, at a period of great poverty and uncertainty 4

Portrait n° 15 : Henri Matisse, un peintre de la couleur

associé au Sud de la France, et notamment à Nice où je me suis installé à l’âge de 45 ans J’y reste jusqu’à ma mort en 1954 Un musée Henri Matisse y est également installé Mon métier Je n’ai pas toujours été peintre Figure-toi que j’ai étudié le droit J’ai débuté ma carrière en tant que clerc de notaire J

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Masterpiece: Interior with Eggplants, 1911

By Henri Matisse

Pronounced: Ahn Ree Ma


Keywords: Pattern, Color,

Shape, Interior,

Rhythm and


Grade: 1st Grade

Month: Dec/Jan

Activity: Matisse Cats

TIME: 1.25 hours

Meet the Artist:

Henri Matisse was born in

France in 1869, around the

time the telephone was invented and died in 1954 at the age of 84. His parents owned a general store and his dad wanted Henri to be a lawyer. At the age of 25, he became a lawyer but found it boring. While recovering from appendicitis, his mother gave him a paint set and from that day forward, his life was focused on being an artist.

0MPLVVH RHQP PR MUP VŃORRO NXP GLGQ·P OLNH POH realistic way he was being taught to paint.

He wanted to use bolder and brighter colors to be more expressive. +H LV ŃRQVLGHUHG POH IMPOHU RI POH ´)MXYLVPµ PRYHPHQP MQ MUP VP\OH POMP OMVPHG RQO\ four years, beginning in 1905. The word Fauvism LV )UHQŃO IRU ´RLOG NHMVPVµ because the paintings had bright, wild and unusual colors and patterns and the subjects in the paintings were shown in a simple way. Matisse responded to his critics by wearing a VOHHSVNLQ OLQHG ŃRMP LQVLGH RXP PR ORRN PRUH ´NHMVPO\µB He was extremely poor as a young artist, eating only rice, having to resist eating the fruit he bought for his still life paintings. He married and had 3 children. His wife was a milliner (hat maker) and she supported him so he can remain an artist. He warmed up his fingers every day before painting by playing the violin for hours. His paintings were ultimately accepted by art collectors and buyers during his lifetime (which was unusual) and he made a great deal of money to buy his beloved home in Giverny (zhee-vare-ney). He kept tropical birds, letting them fly free in his home. Matisse liked to collect pieces of patterned fabric when he traveled and would use the designs of the fabric in many of his paintings. When he became too old to paint, he started making brightly colored cut-outs with scissors.

Possible Questions:

o What do you see in this painting? o What is first item in the painting that your eye attracted to? (the answers should draw attention to the fact that every part of the painting is equally important and attractive) o Where is the eggplant? o Is this an outside or inside painting? o What is going on in the upper right corner? (open window viewing a landscape) o Is this an unusual room? If so what makes it unusual? o Have you ever been in a room like this? o Would you like to live in a room like this? Why or why not? o Where do you see patterns? o With so many patterns, what holds this painting together? o List the colors you see in this painting. Do these colors make you feel calm and thoughtful or excited and happy?

Activity: Matisse Cats

Materials Needed:

1. Eµ[ 12µ ŃRORUHd construction paper

2. 9µ x 12µ white construction paper

3. Colored Sharpies

4. Chisel-Tip Black Sharpies

5. Glue Sticks

6. Scissors.


1. Give each child a piece of the colored construction

paper. They to write their names on the back before they begin.

2. Using the colored markers, have them draw one

large, repeating pattern on the colored paper³like wallpaper. The pattern can be horizontal or vertical, but the final project will be vertical. When finished, set this piece aside. Encourage students to use both

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