[PDF] [PDF] 24 - All the GoF Patterns - Carnegie Mellon School of Computer

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[PDF] GoF Design Patterns -

There is no way to change an implementing class without a recompile 4 Page 5 Logica Java Architects Training Crew Design Patterns Explained

[PDF] GoF Design Patterns Update - GoF Design Patterns Reference

Oct 1, 2017 · This release starts with the Dependency Injection design pattern, The Swing GUI toolkit of the Java platform, for example, lets you create (and Oracle, 2015 docsoraclecom javase tutorial collections index

[PDF] 24 - All the GoF Patterns - Carnegie Mellon School of Computer

23 Patterns in 80 Minutes a Whirlwind Java centric Tour of the Gang of Four Design Patterns Josh Bloch Technically not a GoF pattern, but close enough 

[PDF] Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

a new theory of design—itjust documents existing designs You could conclude that itmakes a reasonable tutorial, perhaps, but it certainly can't offermuch to an

[PDF] GoFs Design Patterns in Java

Come monografia complementaria al testo dei GoF, si ebbe a disposizione il libro di J Cooper “Java Design Patterns A tutorial” [4], il quale si dimostrò poco

[PDF] Java Design Patterns

143 Implementing the Abstract Factory Design Pattern The patterns community that has grown over the decade plus since the original GoF work is large and Seats Driver sports front seat with one power adjustments manual height, front 

[PDF] Design Patterns For Dummiespdf - Index-ofcouk

cuss the part of Java that implements the design pattern already — such as non GoF patterns in Chapter 11 that have appeared since the GoF book debuted

[PDF] Gang of Four (GoF) OO Design Patterns - Cheriton School of

May 11, 2011 · GoF Gang of Four (Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides, 1995) ○ POSA GoF Design Patterns Java Math class (stateless – static class)

[PDF] Design Patterns

Utiliser des classes abstraites (interfaces en Java) pour définir des interfaces ( GoF) Object Models Strategies, Patterns and Applications Coad 95 Patterns 

[PDF] Object-Oriented Design Patterns

“Gang of Four” (GoF) Book Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software Use Example(s) examples of this pattern, in Java 

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315-214KeyconceptfromTuesday...MapReducewithkey/valuepairs(Googlestyle)•Master-Assigntaskstoworkers-Pingworkerstotestforfailures•Mapworkers-Mapforeachkey/valuepair-Emitintermediatekey/valuepairsthe shuffle:

415-214•E.g.,foreachwordontheWeb,countthenumberoftimesthatwordoccurs§ForMap:key1isadocumentname,valueisthecontentsofthatdocument§ForReduce:key2isaword,valuesisalistofthenumberofcountsofthatwordKeyconceptfromTuesday...MapReducewithkey/valuepairs(Googlestyle)f1(String key1, String value): for each word w in value: EmitIntermediate(w, 1); f2(String key2, Iterator values):intresult = 0;for each v in values:result += v;Emit(key2, result);Map: (key1, v1) à(key2, v2)*Reduce: (key2, v2*) à(key3, v3)*MapReduce: (key1, v1)* à(key3, v3)*MapReduce: (docName, docText)* à(word, wordCount)*

1215-214BuilderIllustrationNutritionFactstwoLiterDietCoke= new NutritionFacts.Builder("Diet Coke", 240, 8).sodium(1).build();public class NutritionFacts{public static class Builder {public Builder(String name, intservingSize, intservingsPerContainer) { ... }public Builder totalFat(intval) { totalFat= val; }public Builder saturatedFat(intval) { satFat= val; }public Builder transFat(intval) { transFat= val; }public Builder cholesterol(intval) { cholesterol = val; }... // 15 more setterspublic NutritionFactsbuild() {return new NutritionFacts(this);}}private NutritionFacts(Builder builder) { ... }}

1415-214FactoryMethodIllustrationpublic interface Iterable {public abstract Iterator iterator();}public class ArrayList implements List {public Iterator iterator() { ... }...}public class HashSet implements Set {public Iterator iterator() { ... }...}

1715-214SingletonIllustrationpublic enumElvis {ELVIS;public sing(Song song) { ... }public playGuitar(Riff riff) { ... }public eat(Food food) { ... }public take(Drug drug) { ... }}


2515-214CompositeIllustrationpublic interface Expression {double eval(); // Returns valueString toString(); // Returns infix expression string}public class UnaryOperationExpressionimplements Expression {public UnaryOperationExpression(UnaryOperatoroperator, Expression operand);}publicclassBinaryOperationExpressionimplementsExpression {publicBinaryOperationExpression(BinaryOperatoroperator,Expression operand1, Expression operand2);}publicclassNumberExpressionimplementsExpression {publicNumberExpression(double number);}



3315-214ProxyIllustrationsVirtual ProxySmart ReferenceRemote ProxySynchronizedListArrayListaTextDocumentimageanImagedatain memoryon diskanImageProxyfileNameClientProxyServer

3815-214InterpreterIllustrationpublic interface Expression {double eval(); // Returns valueString toString(); // Returns infix expression string}public class UnaryOperationExpressionimplements Expression {public UnaryOperationExpression(UnaryOperatoroperator, Expression operand);}publicclassBinaryOperationExpressionimplementsExpression {publicBinaryOperationExpression(BinaryOperatoroperator,Expression operand1, Expression operand2);}publicclassNumberExpressionimplementsExpression {publicNumberExpression(double number);}


4715-214TemplateMethodIllustration// List adapterfor primitive intarrayspublic static List intArrayList(final int[] a) {return new AbstractList() {public Integer get(inti) {return a[i];}public Integer set(inti, Integer val) {Integer oldVal= a[i];a[i] = val;return oldVal;}public intsize() {return a.length;}};}
