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Defense Planning: Guidance FY 1994-1999 April 16 1992

16 avr. 1992 EX 1994-1992 (U). (U) Th:s Defense Planning Guidance addresses the fundamentally new situation which has been created by the collapse of the ...

The following is an excerpt from the recent Department of Defense

8 mars 1992 release of the February 18 1992 draft Defense Planning Guidance that was leaked to The New York Times. Readers can see the excerpts.


SUBJECT: FY 94-99 Defense Planning Guidance Sections for Comment (U) '18 FEB 1992 ... Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs).

Defense Planning Guidance FY 1994-199


Defense Planning: Guidance FY 1994-1999 April 16


Publication Date: Jan 01 1992 It implements the Defense Agenda of ... the Defense Planning Guidance and in the Annual Report to the President and the.

Extracts from the February 18 1992 Defense Planning Guidance

26 mars 1992 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. LIBBY. SOBJECT: Extracts from 18 Feb 92 DPG Draft. Attached are two sets of extracts from the 18 February 1992.

Approval Draft of the Defense Planning Guidance-Action

May 5 1992. POI.'CY. MEMORA."lDUM FOR SECRETARY OF DE.FENSE. DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE. SUBJECT: Defense Planning Guidance -- Major Comments Received(U).

1994-1999 Defense Planning Guidance [Draft] May 02

New Policy Directions Noted in Draft Defense Planning Guidance

Noted in Draft Defense Planninq Guidance. Policy and Strategy Section. • Preclude hostile nondemocratic domination of regions [Europe