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Loi fédérale sur la formation professionnelle 412.10

(LFPr) du 13 décembre 2002 (Etat le 1er avril 2022). L'Assemblée fédérale de la Confédération suisse vu l'art. 63 de la Constitution1

Ordonnance sur la formation professionnelle 412.101

1 avr. 2022 vu l'art. 65 al. 1

LFPR – ORANGE Plan de Dieu AMDT 10/22 DIRCAM Manuel d

LFPR – ORANGE Plan de Dieu. LFPR - AD 2.2 Données géographiques et administratives / Aerodrome geographical and administrative data.

Dokumentvorlage AS

LFPr. OFPr. 1. Loi fédérale sur la formation professionnelle. Ordonnance 1 LFPr). 1 La collaboration entre la Confédération

Application de lart. 53 al. 1 LFPr (Contrats de formation initiale)

Forfait entreprise a) … suivent les cours d'une année de transition entre la scolarité obligatoire et l'apprentissage (art. 12 LFPr).

The Long-Lived Cyclicality of the Labor Force Participation Rate

6 juil. 2021 How cyclical is the U.S. labor force participation rate (LFPR)? We examine its response to exogenous state-level business cycle shocks ...

Labor force participation: what has happened since the peak?

The labor force participation rate is the percentage of the art2full.pdf; and Teresa L. Morisi “Youth enrollment and employment during the school year ...


The labor force participation rate is the share of the civilian population over age 15 that is either working or searching for work (i.e. unemployed).

Factors Affecting the Labor Force Participation of People Ages 25 to 54

The labor force participation rate is the percentage of people in the civilian noninstitutionalized population who are working or actively seeking work.

Where Have All the Workers Gone? An Inquiry into the Decline of

26 août 2017 lower labor force participation rate of prime age men than the U.S. in ...