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L'inhibine est une hormone pepti- dique d'origine gonadique dont l'action inhibitrice sur la synthèse de la FSH a été suspectée dès 1932. Ce sont.

LInhibine B s6rique marqueur sensible de la production

duction d'inhibine par les cellules de Sertoli. L'inhibine exerce un effet de r6trocontr61e sur la s6cr6tion de FSH et module la spermatoge- n~se [5].

La cellule de Sertoli une cellule endocrine

de Leydig l'activine et l'inhibine. L'inhibine

Int6r6t du dosage de Iinhibine B et de IAMH dans le plasma s( minal

ni I'AMH ni I'inhibine B seule ou associ6e a la FSH

concentrations si riques en inhibine chez les patients souffrant de

Serum inhibin gonadal steroids and gonadotropins have been estimated in 51 patients with either a varicocele

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Fibrothécome ovarien sécrétant de l'inhibine A et de l'inhibine B Figure 3: Variation des taux plasmatiques d'inhibines et de gonadotrophines.


1 janv. 1980 des changements de l'anté-hypophyse observés après orchidectomie. Cette hormone a été dénommée Inhibine (INH) par Mc Cullagh (1932).

FLEX Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human Inhibin ? Clone R1 Ready-to

Inhibin with activin a closely related dimeric glycoprotein hormone comprised of two ß-subunits

Complications obstétricales associées aux analytes anormaux des

inhibin inhibin-A



Is inhibin A a sign of Down syndrome?

Quantification of inhibin A is part of the prenatal quad screen that can be administered during pregnancy at a gestational age of 16–18 weeks. An elevated inhibin A (along with an increased beta-hCG, decreased AFP, and a decreased estriol) is suggestive of the presence of a fetus with Down syndrome.

Is Inhibins a reliable marker for ovarian cancer?

For medical purposes, measurement of inhibins in the circulation is a reliable marker for some types of ovarian cancer, and also a predictor for the conditions of spermatogenesis. Shlomo Melmed MB ChB, MACP, in Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 2020

How do Inhibins block Activin signaling?

Inhibins compete for binding to type II activin receptors, preventing recruitment of type I receptors and thereby blocking activin signaling. Additional extracellular and intracellular proteins and mechanisms also serve to modulate the local activin signal.

Is inhibin B reciprocally elevated during the late luteal and early follicular phases?

Inhibin B is reciprocally elevated during the late luteal and early follicular phases of the menstrual cycle. Activin receptors are heteromeric complexes comprising type I (ActRI) and type II (ActRII) serine-threonine kinase receptors.