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BC 335-4

01-Feb-2012 Texas A/S - Knullen 22 - DK-5260 Odense S – Denmark. Version 12.2. Tel. +45 6395 5555 - - BC 335-4.

4.41 TABLE 4.11 Bond Dissociation Energies The bond dissociation

335(4). 343(4). 414(4). H9C(CH3)2CH"CH2. 331. H9cyclopentyl. 395(42). H9CH2C(CH3)3. 418(4). H9C6H5. 431. H9CH2C6H5. 356(4). H9C(C6H5)3.

The Law of Epikrates of 354/3 BC

Athenian law inscribed on a marble stele and enacted in 354/3 b.c. during the not in IG II3 part 4

Bioinformatics (BS)

ECOL 335 (4; S). ECOL 320 (SS; F; 4)____. ____. Major electives (22 units) EP or BC GE. 3. Total. 15 – 17. Semester 3. CHEM 241A + CHEM 243A.

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A BC:>D;=&. EF GHIJKJLJMKN 8 6 8 9 '8 3328 235 2 2 24 LH 6 8 6 H 2 3 M 6 9 28 6( 9 2332 9 28 8 335 4 824 8- 24 92 2 6 24 6 52 .


339/38 B. C.) he was not elevated to the scholarchate of the sometime between 335/4 and 323 ?. ? This then

The Athenian Calendar

3 335/4 " 24 Euainetos 0 The archons after 294/3 B. C. are dated as ... and 313/2 B. C. we find two successive intercalary years

The Macedonian Expeditionary Corps in Asia Minor (336–335 BC)

the winter of 335/4 was recalled by Alexander to Europe – likely to assist him in the preparation of the forthcoming expedition (Diod. 17.16.2).24.

Bronze Statues on the Athenian Acropolis: The Evidence of a

of the Acropolis proposed by Lycurgus in 335 B.C. and reflects a conscious policy of enhancement further

IG II2 1195 and Agathe Tyche in Attica

inscriptions of the last quarter of the 4th century B.C. Walbank (1989 pp. in 335/4