Why biomedical engineering at georgia tech

What does a biomedical engineer do?

Biomedical engineers often serve as integrators in multidisciplinary teams of engineers, scientists, and healthcare professionals in the medical device and biotechnology industries, as well as at government regulatory agencies.

What sets Georgia Tech engineers apart from other engineering schools?

I know the BME curriculum has helped prepare me to go into industry, but one thing that sets Georgia Tech engineers apart is an emphasis not just on hard skills — being able to do math or science.

The School of Interactive Computing is an academic unit located within the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
It conducts both research and teaching activities related to interactive computing at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
These activities focus on computing's interaction with users and the environment, as well as how computers impact the quality of people's lives.


Purpose of biomedical engineering
Why is biomedical engineering interesting
Can biomedical engineering lead to medicine
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Biomedical engineering forum
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