Biometrics before travel

  • How is biometrics used at the airport?

    Biometric technology can identify individuals, measuring dozens of physical attributes, such as fingerprint, voice recognition, and facial recognition, among others.
    Biometrics for airports can be used for security checks, luggage, boarding, and check-in facilities..

  • How is biometrics used in travel?

    Airports will be able to verify travelers' identities by using facial recognition or similar biometrics.
    The technology will match the travelers' physical face to the face stored in the chip of their ePassports that have been previously shared and given permission to use.Sep 1, 2023.

  • What is the biometric entry for airport?

    Biometrics for airports can be used for security checks, luggage, boarding, and check-in facilities.
    Implementing biometrics at airports helps automate the verification process, and sharing a digital identity can expedite the immigration process..

  • What is travel biometrics?

    Biometrics are used in travel in a number of different ways.
    Primarily, they are used when issuing visas and are included in passports.
    Some countries require that travelers who want to get a visa to their country submit biometric data..

  • Biometric technology can identify individuals, measuring dozens of physical attributes, such as fingerprint, voice recognition, and facial recognition, among others.
    Biometrics for airports can be used for security checks, luggage, boarding, and check-in facilities.
  • Biometrics are used in travel in a number of different ways.
    Primarily, they are used when issuing visas and are included in passports.
    Some countries require that travelers who want to get a visa to their country submit biometric data.
  • Passengers use their faces to check-in and store the tickets on their phones, which are then used to authenticate the passenger's identity during each touchpoint within the airport.
Facial recognition, including a simple photograph, is one form of biometric data. Other forms include retina scans, and fingerprints. Sometimes, all of this b are used in travel.
Biometrics are used in travel in a number of different ways. Primarily, they are used when issuing visas and are included in passports. Some countries require 
Biometrics has proved its worth in traveler identity verification and is here to stay. The technology was initially used for government border control applications. Given the high degree of accuracy required to identify travelers crossing borders, fingerprint recognition was favored for many years.
Throughout the world, border authorities, airports and airlines are adopting three biometric technologies—fingerprint, face and iris recognition—to make the traveler journey from home to boarding gate as smooth and secure as possible.

Booking Your Tickets

Match Names on Tickets and Documents Purchase your travel tickets in the exact same name that appears on your passport or official ID.
Ensure that all travel documents match that name precisely.
If the names don't match, your travel carrier or the Transportation Security Administration may require additional documents to verify your identity before.

Can biometrics help travelers travel more?

To make the technology available to more travelers, the biometrics company SITA tested a system earlier this year with United Airlines at San Francisco International Airport that used driver’s licenses as well as passports as the documents of record to compare to facial scans for bag check and domestic boarding.

Documents You Will Need

Carry - do not pack - all travel documents.
1) All U.S. citizens need U.S. passport books if re-entering by air.
Land and sea border crossings accept additional travel documents, such as U.S.
Passport cards and Trusted Travelercards.
Child travelers have additional options - see the Traveling with Children section.
2) Green card (Form I-551), or do.

Each Country Is Different

Learn the required travel documents for each country you will visit.
Find out about specific travel warnings, U.S. import restrictions, and other rules that apply to the countries on your itinerary by visiting
Find the latest on making your return to the United States problem free - go to

How do airports use biometrics?

Perhaps the most visible biometrics operator in airports across the country is CLEAR, a subscription service that allows members to use its dedicated kiosks to assess your biometric data, confirm your identify and advance you to the head of the T.S.A. security line.
Subscribers pay $179 a year and submit iris scans and fingerprints.

How does biometric exit work?

Biometric Exit is deployed at 20 airports encompassing a total of 21 terminals.
There are 7 seaports where it is in use by cruise lines.
Along our southern land borders, thousands of daily travelers going to and from work encounter the technology as a way to make their commutes faster and more efficient.


Biometrics for passport
Biometric before visa
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Biometric before interview
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Rfe before biometrics
Biometrics behind facial recognition
Science behind biometrics
Theory behind biometrics
Alternatives to biometrics
Time between biometrics and interview
Difference between biometrics and fingerprints
Difference between biometrics and biostatistics
Time between biometrics and interview for citizenship
Time between biometrics and interview naturalization
Time between biometrics and interview green card
Timeline between biometrics and visa
Differences between biometrics
Biometrics schedule
Beyond biometrics