Biometrics airport technology

  • How does an airport biometrics system work?

    Through the use of digital identities (in which your biometric data is stored) your personal information can be shared with border control to expedite the immigration process.
    Just think – no more long lines after you step off a flight, meaning you can relax on your holiday as soon as possible.Jun 12, 2023.

  • What is biometric security technology?

    Biometric security is the use of biometric data for identification, access control, and authentication.
    Hardware components such as cameras or fingerprint readers collect biometric data, which is scanned and algorithmically compared to information held in a database..

  • What is the biometric technology at the airport?

    When you arrive at the airport, biometric technology is helping to automate the verification process, meaning that you move swiftly and safely through border control.
    It's all about airlines delivering the best possible passenger experience for you.Jun 12, 2023.

  • What is the biometric technology in airports?

    When you arrive at the airport, biometric technology is helping to automate the verification process, meaning that you move swiftly and safely through border control.
    It's all about airlines delivering the best possible passenger experience for you.Jun 12, 2023.

  • Why is biometric technology important?

    Main advantages of using biometric indicators
    They are linked to a single individual (unlike a password, which can be used without authorisation), They are very convenient since there is no need to remember or carry anything, The security, they are highly fraud resistant..

  • It has the ability to assess unique individual traits, such as fingerprints and iris recognition technology, and facial scans which are used to identify and verify a person's identity with maximum accuracy.
    Biometric technology greatly increases the efficiency of passenger screening.
  • It uses 1:1 matching — that is, it compares your face in the moment against your government-issued ID like a driver's license or a passport.
    The TSA says that data is immediately overwritten when the next passenger moves up, and that at the end of the day, no images are saved.
Highlights. Biometrics in an airport environment can provide a contactless way of identity verification. Biometrics confirm the traveller's identity and their entry or exit, with an increased ability to detect fraudulent documents and visa overstays.

Can biometrics help a low-touch passenger journey?

Recent examples such as:

  • Bahrain Airport and Istanbul Airport adopting SITA Smart Path biometrics to support a low-touch
  • frictionless passenger journey in the recovery from the pandemic
  • show the increased relevance of biometric-enabled passenger processing moving forward.
  • Is biometric identity the future of travel?


  • We do believe this is the future of travel.
    Given the convenience and speed of automating the passenger journey through the airport, biometric identity is here to stay.
    In fact, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace of automation and use of biometrics in the airport.
  • Why do airports use biometrics?

    Providing a completely contactless experience for passengers, the use of biometrics within airports allows passengers to feel confident while travelling while providing airlines with a time efficient means of checking in passengers.


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