Biometrics libraries

  • Model for Implementing Biometrics in Library Management System

    Main advantages of using biometric indicators
    They are linked to a single individual (unlike a password, which can be used without authorisation), They are very convenient since there is no need to remember or carry anything, The security, they are highly fraud resistant..

The use of biometrics in library management systems provides quick and accurate authentication, cost-effectiveness, integration with other 
Abstract. Biometric identification refers to a technology that uses scanned graphical information from many sources for personal identification purposes. The biometric technology helps the libraries to ensure safety and security to its invaluable collections, infrastructure and human resources.
Biometric identification refers to a technology that uses scanned graphical information from many sources for personal identification purposes. The biometric technology helps the libraries to ensure safety and security to its invaluable collections, infrastructure and human resources.
Biometric identification refers to a technology that uses scanned graphical information from many sources for personal identification purposes. The biometric technology helps the libraries to ensure safety and security to its invaluable collections, infrastructure and human resources.

A Closer Look at Several React Native Biometric Authentication Libraries

In this section, we will take a look at five libraries that provide biometric authentication for React Native applications.
Rather than only focusing on the documentation, we will examine the source code to verify if the implementation is secure.
Based on the top results on Google for ‘biometric API react native’ we have chosen the following librar.

Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication allows the user to authenticate to an application using their biometric data (fingerprint or face recognition).
In general, biometric authentication can be implemented in two different ways:.
1) Event-based: the biometric API simply returns the result of the authentication attempt to the application (“Success” or “Failure”)..

How to perform biometric authentication in the library?

The second method to perform biometric authentication in the library is the createSignature method, available in the index.ts file.
According to the documentation, to use this method, a key pair must first be created, using the createKeys method, and the public key must be sent to the server.

Is a result-based biometric authentication Secure?

Our analysis showed that only one of the five analyzed libraries provides a secure result-based biometric authentication.
The other libraries only offer event-based authentication, which is insecure as the biometric authentication is only validated without actually protecting any data in a cryptographic fashion.

React Native

React Nativeis an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook.
The framework, built on top of ReactJS, allows for cross-platform mobile application development in JavaScript.
This allows developer to develop mobile applications on different platforms at once, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Over the past few years it has gained qui.


We analyzed five React Native libraries that provide biometric authentication.
For each of these libraries, we analyzed how the biometric authentication is implemented and whether it correctly uses the cryptographic primitives provided by the OS to secure sensitive data.
Our analysis showed that only one of the five analyzed libraries provides a se.

What's new in androidx biometric?

androidx.biometric:biometric:1.1.0-alpha01 is released.
Version 1.1.0-alpha01 contains these commits.
Internal fragments now share and persist data using a ViewModel that is tied to the client application's activity lifecycle.


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