Dose-independent pharmacokinetics definition


Over the range of doses used in clinical practice, the equilibration rate constant between plasma and effect compartment concentrations (ke0) is believed to be concentration independent for most drugs.1 However, this may not be the case after high bolus doses of drugs that reach maximum effect within the first 2 min of i.v. administration.
There ar.

Does dose affect pharmacokinetics?

Thus, an understanding of the influence of dose on the pharmacokinetics is important in the evaluation of the efficacy and toxicity of new drugs.
Clinically, absorption and elimination of most drugs follow linear kinetics, and pharmacokinetic parameters describing absorption and elimination of a drug do not change over the therapeutic dose range.


Study design

What does pharmacokinetics mean?

Pharmacokinetics, sometimes described as what the body does to a drug, refers to the movement of drug into, through, and out of the body—the time course of its absorption , bioavailability , distribution , metabolism , and excretion .

What is linear pharmacokinetics?

Linear pharmacokinetics means that the drug concentrations generated in an individual after the administration of a dose are linearly related with the amount of dose administered.
For this to be possible, the kinetics that governs the transfer of drug molecules between the different body spaces must be of first order.

What is the difference between pharmacokinetics and PD?

Pharmacokinetics is based on mathematical modeling that places great emphasis on the relationship between drug plasma concentration and the time elapsed since the drug's administration.
Pharmacokinetics is the study of how an organism affects a drug, whereas pharmacodynamics (PD) is the study of how the drug affects the organism.


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