Biosafety techniques

  • How will you maintain biosafety in laboratory?

    Biosafety means the safe work practices and proper use of personal protective equipment when handling biohazardous materials.
    Never Eat, Drink, or Smoke in a Biohazardous Lab.
    In a biohazard lab, just because a container or piece of equipment is not labeled, does not mean that it is clean.
    Always ask .

  • Lab categories

    Biosafety Program

    1Identification of biological materials being used.
    2) Evaluation of the usage procedures.
    3) Design of programs to eliminate exposure or contamination.
    4) Review of program effectiveness.
    5) Registration for use of biological agents and biohazardous materials.
    6) Management of safety-engineered sharps devices..

  • Lab categories

    Laboratory biosafety practices are based on the principle of containment of biological agents to prevent exposure to laboratory workers and the outside environment.
    Primary containment protects the laboratory workers and the immediate laboratory environment from exposure to biological agents..

  • Lab categories

    There are four biosafety levels.
    Each level has specific controls for containment of microbes and biological agents.
    The primary risks that determine levels of containment are infectivity, severity of disease, transmissibility, and the nature of the work conducted..

Move hands straight in and straight out. Avoid rapid side-to-side radial arm motions. Keep front and rear air intake grilles clear of obstructions; Avoid 


Biosafety tamu
Biosafety training ppt
Biosafety training uwindsor
Biosafety types
Biosafety ubc
Biosafety upsc
Biosafety uw madison
Biosafety uky
Biosafety uwaterloo
Biosafety uga
Biosafety uvic
Biosafety utmb
Biosafety usask
Biosafety uoft
Biosafety uic
Biosafety utk
Biosafety unit
Biosafety unep
Biosafety and lab safety
Biosafety and laboratory safety