Biosafety in agriculture

  • What is biosafety in agricultural biotechnology?

    In agriculture, (including animal husbandry, fishery and forestry), the concept of biosafety involves assessing and monitoring the effects of possible gene flow, competitiveness and the effects on other organisms, as well as possible deleterious effects of the products on health of animals and humans..

  • What is plant biosafety?

    A program to control undesired species (e.g., weed, rodent, or arthropod pests and pathogens) by methods appropriate to the organisms and in accordance with applicable state and Federal laws.
    A greenhouse floor composed of an impervious material..

  • Biotech crops can make farming more profitable by increasing crop quality and may in some cases increase yields.
    The use of some of these crops can simplify work and improve safety for farmers.
Agricultural biotechnology has the potential to advance crop productivity production enhancement and improve food security at global level.
Biosafety within the biosecurity framework refers to safe use of new biotechnologies within the framework of managing, in a holistic manner, biological risks associated with food and agriculture (which is understood to include fisheries and forestry).
Biosecurity encompasses all policy and regulatory frameworks (including instruments and activities) to manage risks associated with food and agriculture (including relevant environmental risks) including fisheries and forestry and constitutes three sectors (namely food safety, plant life and health, and animal life and
The concept of “biosafety” used in the regulations is a broad one. It covers the health safety of humans and livestock, environmental safety (ecology and 

How agricultural biotechnology can improve food security?

Agricultural biotechnology has the potential to advance crop productivity production enhancement and improve food security at global level.
There is a growing alarm about the genetically engineered crops and its environment effects on food chain.

What are agricultural biotechnology and biosafety instruments?

glowka (2003) proposes a classification of instruments addressing agricultural biotechnology and biosafety into three different areas:

  • biosafety instruments
  • food safety instruments
  • and consumer protection instruments.
    Biosafety instruments represent the primary source of law on modern biotechnology in the world today.
  • What are NIFA's agricultural biosecurity priorities?

    NIFA’s Agricultural Biosecurity priorities are focused in three areas, detailed in the table below:

  • manage and recover from outbreaks.
    The overall goal of NIFA’s agricultural biosecurity programs is to create a coordinated national framework of translational and applied science to protect U.S. plant, animal, and food production systems.
  • What is biosafety and why is it important?

    The concept of “biosafety” used in the regulations is a broad one.
    It covers the health safety of humans and livestock, environmental safety (ecology and biodiversity), and economic impact.
    Health and environment safety aspects dominate the regulations, with economic impact given less prominence.


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