Biosafety in sentence

  • What does bio safe mean?

    : safety with respect to the effects of biological research on humans and the environment.Oct 24, 2023.

The biosafety cabinets whirr reassuringly in the background, the robots hum, and the radio blasts rock tunes. The Guardian. (2020).

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to managing biological agents, the terms biosafety and biosecurity are often used interchangeably.
However, they have distinct meanings and should not be used synonymously.
Here are some common mistakes people make when using biosafety and biosecurity interchangeably:

Context Matters

When it comes to biosafety and biosecurity, context matters.
The choice between these two concepts can depend on the specific situation they are being used in.
While both are important for ensuring safety and security in the handling of biological materials, their focus and implementation may differ based on the context.

Exceptions to The Rules

While biosafety and biosecurity are essential measures to prevent accidental or intentional release of dangerous biological agents, there are a few exceptions where these rules might not apply.

How to Properly Use The Words in A Sentence

When it comes to discussing the safety and security of biological materials, it’s important to use the correct terminology.
Biosafety and biosecurity are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct meanings.
Here’s how to use them properly in a sentence:

More Examples of Biosafety & Biosecurity Used in Sentences

In order to fully understand the differences between biosafety and biosecurity, it is important to see how these terms are used in context.
Here are some examples of how biosafety and biosecurity can be used in sentences:

Practice Exercises

One of the best ways to improve your understanding and use of biosafety and biosecurity is through practice exercises.
By using these exercises, you can test your knowledge and gain a better understanding of how these concepts apply in real-world situations.
Here are a few practice exercises to get you started:

Should we put public health and biosafety before corporate interests?

We must put public health, biosafety, and food security before corporate interests.
The plan was to return any life-forms found on Mars to Earth for extensive testing in a biosafety laboratory.
The government's advisory body on biosafety had accepted the company's assurances about the environmental impact of genetically modified crops.


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