Biostatistics is also called

What is the difference between Biostatistics and epidemiology?

is that biostatistics is (biology|mathematics) the application of statistics to the study and analysis of biological and medical data while epidemiology is (sciences) the branch of a science dealing with the spread and control of diseases, viruses, concepts etc throughout populations or systems.


Biostatistics is the study of
Biostatistics is it hard
Biostatistics is also called as mcq
Biostatistics is a science of variation
Biostatistics is applied in
Biostatistics is important
Biostatistics is a science
Biostatistics is it good
Define biostatistics
Biostatistics is medical statistics
Biostatistics is known as
Is biostatistics marketable in kenya
Biostatistics schools
Biostatistics medical school
Biostatistics summer school
Is biostatistics required for medical school
Introduction about biostatistics
Journal about biostatistics
Above statistics
Opportunities after biostatistics