Why biotechnology is the science of the future

  • Why biotechnology is the science of the future?

    Cures or Eradication of Many Diseases
    Eradication of most common diseases may be possible within the next 20 years, spurred on by a range of biotech advances, including disease vector control and the development of new medical treatments and preventive medicines..

  • It is also used to study and to alter genetic information in animals so that human diseases can be modeled and studied.
    Biotechnology is both a basic and an applied science.
    These technologies are applied in agriculture, health care, forensics, industrial processing, and environmental management in many useful ways.
Apr 28, 2023Biotechnology is a revolutionary branch of science at the forefront of research and innovation that has advanced rapidly in recent years.
“Biotechnology is one of the fastest growing sectors of the world. It is the application of biological organisms, systems, or processes by various industries for improvement of the value of materials and organisms.

Can biotech reach its full potential in the next 25 years?

To reach its full potential over the next 25 years, touching all corners of the globe, it must become more inclusive.
In biotech, past performance rarely predicts future results.
Who foresaw CRISPR gene editing sweeping the world in 2012 or, for that matter, mRNA vaccines saving humanity? .

Can biotechnology change our lives?

Sang Yup Lee, Distinguished Professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and co-chair of the Global Future Council on Biotechnologies, explains how biotechnology is poised to change our lives, and why it could one day be as commonplace as having a cellphone or a tablet.

What is biotechnology & why is it important?

It is a broad discipline, in which organisms or biological processes are exploited to develop new technologies that have the potential to transform the way we live and work, as well as to boost sustainability and industrial productivity.

What is the Global Future Council on biotechnology?


  • The authors above do not necessarily reflect the policies or positions of the organizations with which they are affiliated.
    The Global Future Council on biotechnology has examined the exponential growth of data across different areas which has lead to breakthrough technologies transforming human health and medicine.
  • There have been various notable predictions made throughout history, including those by scientists based on the scientific method, predictions of social and technological change of futurologists, economic forecasts, religious prophecies, and the fictional imaginings of authors and science fiction.
    Science fiction author Arthur C.
    Clarke wrote three laws of prediction.


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