Botany why is it important

  • The study of botany can contribute toward the development of a more ideal human environment through such diverse aspects as helping to feed the expanding human population, discovering new medicines from plants, developing or improving various plant products, and understanding fundamental life processes, ecological
Botany is important in the area of economic productivity because it is involved in the study of crops and ideal growing techniques that helps farmers increase crop yield. The study of plants is also important in environment protection.


Why botany is important to our daily life
Why botany is interesting
Why botany bay
Why botany is important in agriculture
Why botany is good
What are the benefits of studying botany
Botany how to pronounce
Botany how to say
Botany how to spell
Botanist how to say
Botanical how to pronounce
Botanist how to become
Botanist how many years of college
How botany work
Bsc botany how many years
Phd in botany how many years
Botany cantonese
Botany canyon
Botany cantonese takeaway
Botany candidates