About botany zoology

  • Can I take botany and zoology?

    Yes you can.
    It also depends on the courses offered.
    Previously there are courses with subjects, Botany, Zoology and Chemistry..

  • Example of zoology

    Botanists, or Plant Biologists, study all forms of plant life, including fungi and algae, in the laboratory or in their natural environment.
    They work for a wide range of industries including agriculture, environmental conservation, forestry, pharmaceuticals and food science..

  • Example of zoology

    Botany : botany deals with the study of plants.
    2Zoology : zoology deals with the study of animal. 3.
    Microbiology: microbiology is the study of microorganism..

  • Example of zoology

    No, both are different branches of biology. zoology is related to the study of animals while botany is study of plants.Mar 20, 2015.

  • Example of zoology

    Zoology is a branch of biology which specializes in the study of animals both living and extinct, including their anatomy and physiology, embryology, genetics, evolution, classification, habits, behavior and distribution..

  • Example of zoology

    Zoology is an Exciting Field of Study
    Zoology makes a huge impact on our world through the scientific study of the evolution, anatomy, physiology, behavior, habitats, and health of animals and humans.
    It includes diverse approaches such as electron microscopy, molecular genetics, and field ecology..

  • What is in zoology?

    Zoology is the branch of biology concerned with the study animals and animal kingdom.
    It is also known as animal biology.
    The study of zoology includes the interaction of animal kingdom in their ecosystems such as classification, habits, structure, embryology, distribution, evolution, and extinct species..

  • What is the similarities between zoology and botany?

    Botany and zoology are two branches of biology that seek a better understanding of the living environment.
    While these two disciplines are highly unique in their application and method, they do share several key areas of study, and an interdisciplinary approach to research is common to both..

Botany and zoology are two prime disciplines of a much broader field of science called biology. While botany is the study of plants, zoology deals entirely with the study of animals. Nevertheless, both zoology and botany are a vital part of our daily life.


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