Botany root word

  • -botan-, root. -botan- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning "plant, herb. '' This meaning is found in such words as: botanical, botanist, botany.
  • Botany related words

    -botan-, root. -botan- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning "plant, herb. '' This meaning is found in such words as: botanical, botanist, botany..

  • What is the Greek root word for plant?

    From Ancient Greek φυτόν (phut\xf3n, “plant”)..

  • What is the origin of the root word Botan?

    -botan-, root. -botan- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning "plant, herb. '' This meaning is found in such words as: botanical, botanist, botany..

  • What is the root of botanical?

    Botanical comes from botanic, which has its root in the Greek word botanikos, "of herbs.".

  • Etymology.
    From Ancient Greek φυτόν (phut\xf3n, “plant”).
A botanist, plant scientist or phytologist is a scientist who specialises in this field. The term "botany" comes from the Ancient Greek word βοτάνη (botanē) meaning "pasture", "herbs" "grass", or "fodder"; βοτάνη is in turn derived from βόσκειν (boskein), "to feed" or "to graze".
A botanist, plant scientist or phytologist is a scientist who specialises in this field. The term "botany" comes from the Ancient Greek word βοτάνη (botanē) meaning "pasture", "herbs" "grass", or "fodder"; βοτάνη is in turn derived from βόσκειν (boskein), "to feed" or "to graze".
A botanist, plant scientist or phytologist is a scientist who specialises in this field. The term "botany" comes from the Ancient Greek word βοτάνη (botanē) meaning "pasture", "herbs" "grass", or "fodder"; βοτάνη is in turn derived from βόσκειν (boskein), "to feed" or "to graze".
Botany root word
Botany root word

Root which grows above the ground

Aerial roots are roots above the ground.
They are almost always adventitious.
They are found in diverse plant species, including epiphytes such as orchids (Orchidaceae), tropical coastal swamp trees such as mangroves, banyan figs, the warm-temperate rainforest rata, and pohutukawa trees of New Zealand.
Vines such as common ivy and poison ivy also have aerial roots.
Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans

Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans

Plant root used as a vegetable

Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food.
Although botany distinguishes true roots from non-roots, the term root vegetable is applied to all these types in agricultural and culinary usage.


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