Difference between botany and zoology in table

  • What is the difference between botany and zoology in points in tabular form?

    Botany and zoology are two prime disciplines of a much broader field of science called biology.
    While botany is the study of plants, zoology deals entirely with the study of animals.
    Nevertheless, both zoology and botany are a vital part of our daily life.
    They have a lot to offer for the better future of our society..

1. The study includes all static organisms such as fungi, algae, etc.1. All mobile creatures with developmental traits are investigated and researched.2. The term "botanist" refers to a person who studies plants.2. A zoologist is a person who studies animals.What is the difference between botany and zoology? - BYJU'Sbyjus.com › question-answer › what-is-difference-between-botany-and-zoo About Featured Snippets
Answer and Explanation: Botany is the study of the plant kingdom, while zoology is the study of the animal kingdom. Botany examines all plants, which are organisms characterized by their cell type and their ability to undergo photosynthesis.
Answer and Explanation: Zoology and botany are both branches of biological science, but they are different from one another in that zoology is the study of animals, while botany is the study of plants. Each of these sciences has its subcategories, as there are many varieties of both plants and animals.


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