Building materials trustpilot

  • Is Trustpilot com trustworthy?

    No, Trustpilot is not being completely transparent and honest.
    They allow “anyone” to post positive reviews but paying businesses can flag negative Reviews and have them removed..

  • What does Trustpilot review?

    Trustpilot is an open, online review platform where any consumer with a buying or service experience can review any company and any company can invite and respond to reviews for free.
    We allow anyone to post a review as long as they comply with our guidelines..

  • Trustpilot is an online review community that connects businesses and consumers through genuine feedback from customers about their buying and service experiences.
    Since we started Trustpilot in 2007, our purpose has always been to help people.
  • Trustpilot is an open, online review platform where any consumer with a buying or service experience can review any company and any company can invite and respond to reviews for free.
    We allow anyone to post a review as long as they comply with our guidelines.


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