Building materials sic code

  • What is SIC code 4663?

    SIC Class 4663: Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies..

  • What is SIC code 5039?

    5039 Construction Materials, Not Elsewhere Classified.
    Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of mobile homes and of construction materials, not elsewhere classified, including prefabricated buildings and glass..

  • What is the SIC code 15420101?

    SIC Code 15420101 - Commercial and Office Building, New Construction..

  • What is the SIC code 41201?

    Construction Finance (SIC 41201).

  • What is the SIC code 5039?

    Establishments primarily engaged in the wholesale distribution of mobile homes and of construction materials, not elsewhere classified, including prefabricated buildings and glass..

  • What is the SIC code for building design?

    US SIC Code 8712 - Architectural Services..

  • What is the SIC code for materials handling equipment?

    The SIC Code 508408 Mailing List is the ideal choice for targeting professionals working in the Materials Handling Machinery industry..

  • Where can I find SIC code?

    The sources below are places to search for your company's SIC codes.

    Department of Labor's OSHA Website. NAICS & SIC Identification Tools of the NAICS Association.

  • Major Group: 52—Building Materials, Hardware, Garden Supply, And Mobile Home Dealers.
  • The SIC Code 508408 Mailing List is the ideal choice for targeting professionals working in the Materials Handling Machinery industry.
  • US SIC Code 5085 - Industrial Supplies.
Construction Materials Wholesalers and Construction Material Distributors are classified under SIC Code 5039 - Construction Materials, not elsewhere classified.


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Building materials sic
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