Building materials sic

  • What is the SIC code for raw materials?

    US SIC Code 5159 - Farm-Product Raw Materials, Not Elsewhere Classified..

  • Where do I find SIC code?

    How do I Determine the SIC Number for a Company?

    Department of Labor's OSHA Website.
    You can search for a SIC code by entering a keyword in the search box or by clicking on the "SIC Manual" link which takes you to the 1987 edition of the Manual.NAICS & SIC Identification Tools of the NAICS Association.

  • US SIC Code 8712 - Architectural Services.
The building materials may include roofing, siding, shingles, wallboard, paint, brick, tile, cement, sand, gravel, and other building materials and supplies.
While these establishments may sell primarily to construction contractors, they are known as retail in the trade. The lumber which they sell may include rough 


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