Finnish business & society

  • Is Finland a good country for business?

    Finland might be one of the best countries in the world to set up a company – with its clean environment and stable economic and political conditions the country sets a perfect environment for developing your business.
    Finland gets frequently high ranks in international comparisons..

  • What is the business culture in Finland?

    Business is business to the Finns—and it is formal.
    They Finnish are pragmatic and down-to-business.
    They do not see transactional business as poor behavior.
    They avoid small talk and do not socialize as a regular part of business..

  • Finns view themselves as egalitarian people whose culture is based on democratic principles of respect and interdependence.
    They like people for who they are and not for what they do for a living, their professional accomplishments, or how much money they earn.
  • The Finnish Business Environment
    Our culture of openness, combined with low tax rates, high funding, and reliable infrastructure, creates an environment that encourages collaboration, innovation, and – ultimately – success.
    We want businesses to build and break through to become the best in the world.
FIBS (Finnish Business & Society) is the largest corporate responsibility network in the Nordic countries. Our purpose is to accelerate responsibility 
Finns value equality, education and wellbeing, which improves business performance. Happiness doesn't just happen, it's built into the fabric of our society.

Are Finns friendly?

In fact, you’ll often find quite the opposite.
Once you get to know them, Finns are very warm, chatty and welcoming people.
It’s just that being humble, bashful and unboastful is simply ingrained within the culture, as is avoiding small talk, and instead preferring to get straight to the point.

Can you become a business mogul in Finland?

Finland, as a nation, thrives on innovation and collaboration, renowned for offering a vibrant and friendly startup ecosystem.
But while becoming a business mogul is the dream for many people, it can often be a long, complicated, and extremely confusing process, particularly if you have never done it before.

What is fibs (Finnish Business & Society)?

FIBS (Finnish Business & Society) is the largest corporate responsibility network in the Nordic countries.
Our purpose is to accelerate responsibility changemakers towards more sustainable world.
For more than 20 years, we have been helping Finnish companies to combine responsibility and business on a practical level.

What are Finland's biggest business success stories?

Over the past few decades, Finland has also produced some of the biggest business success stories in the world, including global telecommunications company Nokia, cybersecurity giants F-Secure, Kone, the global leader in lift and escalator manufacturing, Supercell, the developers behind Clash of

What is Business Finland?

We are developing Finland into the most attractive and competitive innovation environment and the most enticing investment and travel destination in the world

Our organization employs 760 specialists at 40 foreign locations and 16 offices in Finland

Business Finland is a public-sector operator and part of the Team Finland network

What is fibs (Finnish Business & Society)?

FIBS (Finnish Business & Society) is the largest corporate responsibility network in the Nordic countries

Our purpose is to accelerate responsibility changemakers towards more sustainable world

For more than 20 years, we have been helping Finnish companies to combine responsibility and business on a practical level

This is a list of Finnish government owned companies:


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