Business english deutsch

  • Was bedeutet Business Deutsch?

    Business (englisch f\xfcr „Unternehmen“, „Geschäft“, „Gewerbe“ oder „Geschäftsleben“, von altenglisch bisiġnes f\xfcr „beschäftigt“) bezeichnet: im Englischen den Handel mit G\xfctern und Dienstleistungen.
    E-Business, integrierte Ausf\xfchrung von Geschäftsprozessen mit Hilfe von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie..

  • What is business English language?

    In general, Business English is a form of English specially suited to international trade, commerce and finance.
    As such, Business English is the kind of English typically used in, for example: business meetings..

  • werden (etw.
    Akk ~) Verb
    Meine Tochter will \xc4rztin werden.
    My daughter wants to become a doctor.
    Im Laufe der Zeit wurden wir gute Freunde.
    Over time, we became good friends.
Übersetzen Sie „business English“ von Englisch nach Deutsch mit dem präzisesten Übersetzer der Welt. Jeden Tag übersetzen Millionen von Menschen mit DeepL.

How do I learn business German?

A business German vocabulary with the most important words, phrases and expressions.
You can download it (completely free of charge and without registration) as PDF file.
The best learning aids for Business German:

  • From videos on YouTube to podcasts and books
  • from apps to online language courses.
  • What are the best business German podcasts?

    Of course, podcasts are also perfect for use on public transport.
    The best Business German podcasts are:

  • „Deep Dive“ entrepreneur podcast (German):
  • The founder and editor-in-chief of the online magazine „Digital Kompakt“ Joel Kaczmarek offers expert knowledge on the topics of financing
  • tech
  • law and marketing in his podcast.
  • What are the best learning materials for business German?

    These are, among others, the „Goethe-Test PRO:

  • Deutsch für den Beruf“ or the „Telc Deutsch C1 Beruf“.
    In this chapter you will therefore find the best – and for this reason recommended by us – learning materials for Business German.
    Starting with dictionaries and vocabulary trainers.
  • Where can I find the Manual of Business German?

    It is an indispensable reference book for all students and professionals who want to communicate confidently in German in their (future) everyday working life.
    The „Manual of Business German“ is available both as eBook / PDF and print version.
    Get it at Bü ( eBook / book) or Amazon. (*) .

    British publisher (1917–2000)

    André Deutsch was a Hungarian-born British publisher who founded an eponymous publishing company in 1951.
    Business english deutsch
    Business english deutsch

    American politician

    Chaim M.
    is an American politician who served as a New York City Council Member for the 48th district from 2014 to 2021.
    He is a Democrat.
    The district includes Brighton Beach, Gerritsen Beach, Gravesend, Manhattan Beach, Marine Park, Midwood, Plum Beach, and Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn.
    He was expelled from City Council after his guilty plea to charges of tax fraud in April 2021.


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