Business ethics quiz 3

  • Why is ethics important in life?

    Ethics is about doing the right thing, making the right choices, protecting the common good, promoting good behaviour and avoiding harm.
    Ethics helps to promote collaboration and community coexistence and is a subject taught within the family, in schools and higher education institutions..

  • Four broad categories of ethical theory include deontology, utilitarianism, rights, and virtues.
    The deontological class of ethical theories states that people should adhere to their obliga- tions and duties when engaged in decision making when ethics are in play.

Why should you take the ethics quiz?

You can take the ethics quiz we have for you to clarify the concepts

The ethics quiz is a fast and engaging way of prompting you to think better about the choices you make and whether those choices are the best possible ones

On our platform, you will find the collection of the best ethics exam questions and answers


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