Business ethics course outcomes

  • What is outcome based ethics in business?

    Outcome based ethics = Utilitarianism dictates that a decision to act or not act should be directed towards producing the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
    Occasional “injury” to individuals is therefore an acceptable risk..

  • What is the objective to study business ethics?

    Business ethics enhances the law by outlining acceptable behaviors beyond government control.
    Corporations establish business ethics to promote integrity among their employees and gain trust from key stakeholders, such as investors and consumers..

  • Knowledge Area: Ethics.
    Learning Outcome: Demonstrate ethical awareness, the ability to do ethical reflection, and the ability to apply ethical principles in decision-making.
    Developing a student's ethical awareness, reflection, and decision-making ability is central to a Core Curriculum.
Learning Outcomesdefine, explain and illustrate the theoretical foundations of business ethics;re-examine their knowledge of business and economic concepts 

Are ethical outcomes important in business schools?

Although the ten outcomes contain some overlap in related content, all of the scholars, practitioners, and students concurred that these ethical outcomes were important factors at business schools and in society at large

What is a business ethics course?

An undergraduate course offered by the Research School of Management

Promote understanding of the importance, for business and the community, of ethical conduct; Provide the skills with which to recognise and resolve ethical issues in business;

Why should you study ethics in business?

Provide the skills with which to recognise and resolve ethical issues in business; Enhance awareness and critical self-examination of one's own values, and to appreciate the relevance of personal values in the business/workplace setting; and Encourage reflection on the ethical dimension of your own decision-making in workplace and other settings


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