Business ethics and social responsibility midterm exam

  • What is business ethics and social responsibility quora?

    You might think of social responsibility as one slice of the pie of business ethics.
    Business ethics arguably subsumes social responsibility, as ethical questions like honesty, keeping promises, value for employees, cultural values, and fairness are all issues that run throughout the organization..

  • Business ethics concerns the impact of the entire business's activities on society, whereas social responsibility relates to a work group's decisions that society evaluates as right or wrong.
  • Explanation: Business ethics relates to an individual's or a work group's decisions that society evaluates as right or wrong, whereas social responsibility is a broader concept that concerns the impact of an entire business's activities on society.
Rating 5.0 (1) CSR discourages government regulation. d.

Do businesses have social responsibilities?

Friedman argues that businesses lack social responsibilities.
Friedman concludes that corporations do not have social responsibilities.
Rather, business's responsibility is "to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom." .

How many questions are on social responsibility of business and business ethics?

Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics Class 11 MCQ Test contains 25 questions.
Answers to MCQs on Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics Class 11 Business Studies are available after clicking on the answer.

What is the social responsibility model of Business Ethics?

This model holds that business has no strict obligation to contribute to social causes, but it can be a good thing when they do so. b.
This model views business as a citizen of the society in which it operates and, like all members of a society, business must conform to the normal ethical duties and obligations.

When do social responsibility and ethics apply?

When Do Social Responsibility and Ethics Apply.
The theory of social responsibility and ethics applies in both individual and group capacities.
It should be incorporated into daily actions/decisions, particularly ones that will have an effect on other persons and/or the environment.


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