Business ethics vocab words

  • How is business ethics a relative term?

    Relative Term : Business ethics is a relative term.
    That is, it changes from one business to another.
    It also changes from one country to another.
    What is considered as good in one country may be taboo in another country..

Rating 4.2 (54) Business Ethics VocabularyBusiness Ethics VocabularyUnit Two : Ethics in Business Noun abuse behaviour consumption corruption counterfeit / counterfeiting 
HonestyTruthfulness, sincerity, or franknessReputationThe estimation in which a person is held based on their behaviorRole modelA person whose behavior, example, or success is emulated by others, especially by younger peopleTrustConfidence in the integrity of a personBusiness Ethics Vocabulary - › About Featured Snippets
TrustConfidence in the integrity of a personUnethicalLacking moral principlesValuesThe beliefs, qualities, or standards that you consider important or desirableIntellectual PropertyProperty that results from original creative thoughtBusiness Ethics Vocabulary - › About Featured Snippets

What are business ethics?

Business ethics are principles of right and wrong that are used to guide a business.
Firms that run contrary to the ethics of the societies in which they operate risk reprisals from political, social and legal systems.

What are ethical choices?

Ethical choices that offer the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
A set of principles formalized into a code of behavior.
A concept of living your life according to a commitment of the achievement of a clear ideal:

  • "What sort of person would I like to become
  • and how do go become that person?" .
  • What are ethical principles?

    Ethical principles defined by the traditions of society, personal opinions, and current circumstances.
    Living one's life according to a standard of right or wrong behavior - in both how we think and behave toward others and how we would like them to think and behave toward us.
    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    What is behavioral ethics?

    Behavioral Ethics studies why and how people make the choices that they do.
    Bounded Ethicality means that people are limited in their ability to make ethical choices.
    Cognitive biases are errors in thinking that affect people’s decision-making in virtually every situation.


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