Business finance terms a to z

  • What is a finance word that starts with Z?


    Z-Score.Zero Balance Account.Zero Coupon Bond Funds.Zero-Based Budget.Zero-Lot-Line House.Zombie Debt..

  • What is a financial term that starts with D?

    derivatives (derivative securities)
    A financial asset, such as an option or future, that is valued based on the performance of another security or asset..

  • What is the Z word for banking?

    Zero-balance account (ZBA) Zero-base budgeting (ZBB) Zero-beta portfolio. Zero-bracket amount. Zero-coupon bond..

  • What is the Z word in finance?

    Zero Balance Account (ZBA)
    The zero balance account, also known by its acronym ZBA, refers to the type of checking account which maintains a permanent balance of zero.
    The account does this through an automatic transfer of funds out of a master account..

  • derivatives (derivative securities)
    A financial asset, such as an option or future, that is valued based on the performance of another security or asset.
  • Net income
    Arguably the most important financial words for any business owner – net income.
  • The most used stock market terms include bear market, bull market, dividend, ask, bid, and blue-chip stocks.
  • Zero-balance account (ZBA) Zero-base budgeting (ZBB) Zero-beta portfolio. Zero-bracket amount. Zero-coupon bond.
Banks and some other financial organisations have to have a certain amount of capital to make sure that there is enough money to support their business. It is 
The advance corporation tax paid could usually be offset against the corporation tax due on the company's profits. AER. This stands for annual equivalent rate.
The company accounts for it in its books by transferring the face value of the shares from the reserves to issued share capital. Book debts. Book debts are the 
This stands for annual equivalent rate. It is quoted by financial institutions, such as banks, to show how much the interest rate would be if the interest was 


Law of Supply and Demand


The ADP National Employment Report is a monthly economic data release that tracks levels of nonfarm private employment in the U.S.


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