Situations where communication takes place

  • What are 5 examples of communication process?

    Effective communication builds interpersonal relationships, at home and at work.
    Helps us understand people, overcome diversities, and clarify situations.
    Communication is a skill that employers look for in an employee..

  • What are the examples of communication situations?

    The setting and situation in which communication takes place is context.
    On the successful exchange of message, the impact can be created by a context like noise.
    The physical, social and cultural aspect may occur.Oct 17, 2020.

  • What are the five situations where communication takes place?

    Communication contexts include intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication..

  • What are the specific situations where communication takes place?

    Communication contexts include intrapersonal, interpersonal, group, public, and mass communication..

  • What is the situation in which communication takes place?

    The communication process has five steps: idea formation, encoding, channel selection, decoding and feedback.
    Anything that interferes with clear communication is called noise..

  • What is the situation in which communication takes place?

    The setting and situation in which communication takes place is context.
    On the successful exchange of message, the impact can be created by a context like noise.
    The physical, social and cultural aspect may occur.Oct 17, 2020.

  • Where communication takes place in the situation?

    The setting and situation in which communication takes place is context.
    On the successful exchange of message, the impact can be created by a context like noise.
    The physical, social and cultural aspect may occur.Oct 17, 2020.

10 examples where communication take place.
  • In a classroom, where the teacher is discussing the lesson to his/her students.
  • Talking with your classmate.
  • A boy writing a love letter for a girl.
  • A traffic enforcer giving signals on the street.
  • Messaging a friend through an online app.
  • Waving your hand to a friend.
Oct 17, 2020Context is a situation where a communication takes place.Explanation: The sharing of information between two or more people is called 
Oct 17, 2020On the successful exchange of message, the impact can be created by a context like noise. The physical, social and cultural aspect may occur.

How does context affect communication?

Context can affect how we communicate and with whom we communicate.
Context refers to the setting in which communication takes place.
The context helps establish meaning and can influence what is said and how it is said.
Traditionally, there were five contexts to consider.
The smallest interaction occurs between two people, known as a dyad.

What are the different types of communication contexts?

Communication contexts include:

  • intrapersonal
  • interpersonal
  • group
  • public
  • and mass communication.
    Each context has its advantages and disadvantages, and its appropriate and inappropriate uses.
    Please recall a time when you gave a speech in front of a group.
  • Where do people communicate in a small group?

    The first small group in which most people communicate is the family

    Family communication often occurs around the dinner table, in the living room, and in the car

    As children mature they become members of other small groups: peer play groups, church or synagogue classes, and day-care center or preschool groups

    ×A communication takes place in a context. The context can have an impact on the successful exchange of information, and may have a physical, social, or cultural aspect to it. Communication situations are any kind of situation in which communication takes place. In a business setting, some of these communication situations may be formal, structured, and planned in advance. Communication takes place when one mind so acts upon its environment that another mind is influenced, and in that other mind an experience occurs which is like the experience in the first mind, and is caused in part by that experience.


    Communication when complete
    Communication when used to encourage
    Communication when complete in contract
    Communication when dating
    Communication when angry
    Communication when gap junctions are used
    Communication when working remotely
    Communication when encouraging active participation
    Communication when stressed
    Communication when first dating
    Communication when the grid goes down
    Communication when someone leaves the company
    Communication is a two way process
    Communication is irreversible
    Communication issues
    Communication is symbolic
    Communication is a process because
    Communication is derived from latin word
    Communication is key quote
    Communication is defined as