Communication during british rule

  • What transport and communication was introduced by the British in India?

    The British rulers introduced steamships on the rivers and set about improving the roads.
    Work on the Grand Trunk Road from Calcutta to Delhi began in 1839 and completed in the 1850's.
    Efforts were also made to link by road the major cities, ports, and markets of the country..

  • What was the transport system during the British rule in India?

    The British introduced modern transportation systems such as railways, road networks, and ports, primarily for their administrative and trade purposes.
    The construction of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway (now Indian Railways) in 1853 marked a significant milestone in India's transportation history..

  • Which modern means of communication was introduced by the British in 19th century?

    The electric telegraph started to replace the optical telegraph in the mid-19th century.
    It was first taken up in Britain in the form of the Cooke and Wheatstone telegraph, initially used mostly as an aid to railway signalling..

  • Why and how did the British develop the transport and communication in India?

    Britishers wanted to widen the size of the market for their goods.
    Roads were developed to mobilise the British Army within India.
    Roads were developed to facilitate the transportation of raw materials from different parts of the country to the nearest railway station or to the port to send it to Britain..

  • Why did the British developed means of transport and communication in India?

    The British realized the importance of developing proper communication facilities to consolidate their position in India and promote their industrial and commercial growth. 2.
    Steps were taken to link all the major cities ports agricultural centres and markets through an elaborate network of roads canals and railways..

  • Why did the merchants want development of transport and communication system in India?

    The company felt the need of good transport and communication system both for political and economic purposes.
    First the English merchants had to reach new markets of interior India and also the markets of territories occupied by expansion of British Empire..

  • By 1670 there were British American colonies in New England, Virginia, and Maryland and settlements in the Bermudas, Honduras, Antigua, Barbados, and Nova Scotia.
    Jamaica was obtained by conquest in 1655, and the Hudson's Bay Company established itself in what became northwestern Canada from the 1670s on.
  • For as long as humans have been on this planet, we've invented forms of communication—from smoke signals and messenger pigeons to the telephone and email—that have constantly evolved how we interact with each other.
    One of the biggest developments in communication came in 1831 when the electric telegraph was invented.
  • Initially, they relied on local translators and interpreters to communicate with the native populations, particularly for trade and commerce.
    As the British established their presence in India and expanded their trade networks, they began to develop their own system of communication with the locals.
  • The introduction of modern education, the improvement of women's lives, the improvement of India's infrastructure as a result of the construction of railways, hospitals, and schools, modern governance systems, as well as the introduction of industrialization are just a few of the positive impacts of British rule in
  • Transport generally involves the movement of people or goods forms one place to another via a means of transport.
    On the other hand, communication is the passing of information or data from one source to another.
Economic Impact of British RuleNationalist Movement (1858-1905) But the speed of railway extension still did not satisfy officials in India and businessmen 
The British also established an efficient and modern postal system and introduced the telegraph.The first telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra was opened in 


Though trade with India had been highly valued by Europeans since ancient times, the long route between them was subject to many potential obstacles and obfuscations from middlemen, making trade unsafe, unreliable, and expensive.
This was especially true after the collapse of the Mongol empire and the rise of the Ottoman Empire all but blocked the ancient Silk Road.
As Europeans, led by the Portuguese, began to explore maritime navigation routes to bypass middlemen, the distance of the venture required merchants to set up fortified posts.


British raj, period of direct British rule over the Indian subcontinent from 1858 until the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947.
The raj succeeded management of the subcontinent by the British East India Company, after general distrust and dissatisfaction with company leadership resulted in a widespread mutiny of sepoy troops in 1857, causin.

The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857

In late March 1857 a sepoy (Indian soldier) in the employ of the East India Company named Mangal Pandey attacked British officers at the military garrison in Barrackpore.
He was arrested and then executed by the British in early April.
Later in April sepoy troopers at Meerut, having heard a rumour that they would have to bite cartridges that had be.

Was communication control a weapon of war?

doubt the power of communication control in wartime.
If information was a weapon of war that gave the advantage to Britain, it also had a corrosive effect on Britain's hold on its empire.
This was the unex pected consequence of modern communications.

Why did East India Company impose restrictions on press and freedom of speech?

During the first stage the East India Company started imposing various restrictions on Press and freedom of speech like the censorship of press and the diverse draconian acts such as:

  • the censorship of Press Act 799
  • Press Ordinance Act 1823 intended to bring all the newspapers under the scrutiny of the British Government.
  • What was communication like in the pre-colonial period before the British rule?

    Communications In the pre-colonial period prior to the British Rule, the means ofcommunication and transport which had existed in India wererelatively backward

    There were no modern rail or road networkswhich connected important industrial and commercial centreslocated far apart

    The network of communication was also backwardand unreliable

    Why did the British develop modern means of communication and transport?

    felt for development of modern means of communication andtransport

    The following were the reasons: Market Access:The British merchants needed to access Indian markets located in the interiors of expanding British Empire

    The British were also exploring fields for raw materials required for the growing British industries

    In this unit, we'll look at the evolution of India's communication system duringcolonial rule. From a military, administrative, econo…
    Communication during british rule
    Communication during british rule

    History of the British Army during World War I

    The British Army during the First World War fought the largest and most costly war in its long history.
    Unlike the French and German Armies, the British Army was made up exclusively of volunteers—as opposed to conscripts—at the beginning of the conflict.
    Furthermore, the British Army was considerably smaller than its French and German counterparts.


    Bombay, also called Bom baim in Portuguese, is the financial and commercial capital of India and one of the most populous cities in the world.


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