Communication and rural development in nigeria

  • What are the common traditional media of communication used in Nigeria among the rural people?

    Various forms of traditional communication have been identified in Nigeria including town criers, wooden and metal gongs, talking drums, blasts of local guns, age groups, the open market, setting fire on bushes and the palm frond..

  • What are the rural development Programmes in Nigeria?

    Better Life for Rural Dwellers (BETTER LIFE), Family Support Program (FSP), National Directorate of Employment (NDE), National Poverty Eradication Program (NAPEP), National Rural Roads Development Fund (NRRDF), Rural Banking Scheme (RBS), Structural Adjustment Program (SAP), Family Economic Empowerment Program (FEAP), .

  • What are the rural development programs in Nigeria?

    These include the Agricultural Development Programmes and River Basin Development Authorities, Operation Feed the Nation and the Green Revolution, rural electrification schemes, rural banking schemes, urban and rural water supply schemes, credit schemes to small scale holders through various specialized institutions, .

  • What are the rural development strategies in Nigeria?

    Various strategies have been adopted in Nigeria for bringing about rural development.
    Some of the approaches include: agricultural development, infrastructural development, industrialisation, integrated rural development, and community development..

  • What is rural area communication?

    Rural communication is an interactive process in which information, knowledge and skills, relevant for development are exchanged between farmers.
    The concept of rural communication also helps in forming the branding strategy of various products..

  • What is the importance of communication in village?

    It leads people from instinct to inspiration, through process and system of enquiry, command and control.
    It creates a common pool of ideas, strengthens the feeling of togetherness through the exchange of messages and translates through into action..

  • Which means of communication is popular in rural areas?

    Rural radio
    Radio remains the most powerful, and yet the cheapest, mass medium for reaching large numbers of people in isolated areas..

  • Why is communication important in rural development?

    Communication relates directly to sustainable development because it contributes to people's participation and social appropriation of the process of change.
    Rural programmes and projects that implement participatory communication activities guarantee people's engagement and prompt ownership of development objectives..

  • Why is communication important in rural development?

    Development communication can help to ensure that the design and action plan of a development project take into account the attitudes, perceived needs and capacities of the people which the project is trying to help..

  • Why is rural development important in Nigeria?

    Obviously, there is urgent need to develop Nigeria's rural areas.
    It is indeed very compelling moral, social-cultural, political, and economic, defence, and security reasons for developing our rural areas.
    This is because most of all Nigeria's natural and mineral resources are in the rural areas..

  • In the same vein, Nigeria equally lunched rural-life-oriented schemes among which are Food, Road and Rural Infrastructure, River-Basin Development, National Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA), National Agricultural Insurance Corporation (NAIC), and Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme (ACGS).
  • Low levels of literacy:
    The level of literacy is lower compared with urban areas.
    This again leads to a problem of communication in these rural areas.
    Print medium becomes ineffective and to an extent irrelevant, since its reach is poor.
  • Rural broadcasting connotes the dissemination and transmission of social development programmes to the rural people so as to affect their behavior positively.
    Rural radio is a very essential communication tool for achieving development goals, especially in developing countries.
  • These include the Agricultural Development Programmes and River Basin Development Authorities, Operation Feed the Nation and the Green Revolution, rural electrification schemes, rural banking schemes, urban and rural water supply schemes, credit schemes to small scale holders through various specialized institutions,
  • Various forms of traditional communication have been identified in Nigeria including town criers, wooden and metal gongs, talking drums, blasts of local guns, age groups, the open market, setting fire on bushes and the palm frond.
Jun 16, 2020is the major tool of rural development. Role of Communication housing quality in urban local government areas in Nigeria and many developing 
One of the greatest challenges for the twenty first century for Nigeria is to develop a communication network that effectively links the rural and urban areas.

Does Nigeria have a rural development program?

Since independence, several rural development and extension education programs have been implemented in Nigeria. In Nigeria, several subsequent governments have implemented different policies in an attempt to develop the rural areas and alleviate the poverty rate that has become a prominent decadence in such areas.

How can information and communication technologies improve rural communities in Africa?

Information and Communication Technologies can enhance rural communities opportunities in Africa by improving their access to market information.
For digital transformation to truly be a meaningful success, and the benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to genuinely take hold, both need to be all-inclusive.

How important is the rural sector in Nigeria?

About 90 percent of the rural labour workforce engages directly or indirectly in agriculture (Nyagba, 2009).
The rural sector of Nigeria is, very vital to the socio-economic development of the nation.
According to Nyagba (2009), the most important sector of the Nigerian population is the rural areas.

Why is community development important in contemporary Nigerian society?

The importance of community development in contemporary Nigerian society cannot be exaggerated, as community development ensures national development.
Emeh, Eluw and Ukah (2012) state that the community development is an important element and a sure way to the speedy development of Nigeria.

How important is the rural sector in Nigeria?

About 90 percent of the rural labour workforce engages directly or indirectly in agriculture (Nyagba, 2009)

The rural sector of Nigeria is, very vital to the socio-economic development of the nation

According to Nyagba (2009), the most important sector of the Nigerian population is the rural areas

What is rural development?

Rural Development simply connotes a sustained improvement in the quality of life of the rural people

It implies consistency in approach in which micro and macro economic, social, political, cultural and technological variables are engineered, combined and implemented as an organic and dynamic whole for the benefit of the people

Why were integrated rural development projects implemented in Nigeria?

It is on this premise that the integrated rural development projects in Nigeria were implemented to ensure that agricultural and rural development projects became part of a package of services offered to farmers and the rural population

Communication and rural development in nigeria
Communication and rural development in nigeria
Ibadan School of Government and Public Policy (ISGPP) is an independent research organization in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.
It is involved in teaching and research into issues of government, governance, public administration, public policy and development matters in Nigeria and Africa.
It also hosts the ISGPP Annual Conference
Responsibility of water supply in Nigeria is shared between three (

Responsibility of water supply in Nigeria is shared between three (

Responsibility of water supply in Nigeria is shared between three (3) levels of government – federal, state and local.
The federal government is in charge of water resources management; state governments have the primary responsibility for urban water supply; and local governments together with communities are responsible for rural water supply.
The responsibility for sanitation is not clearly defined.


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