Old communication

  • Types of communication

    Think back to how we communicated 30 years ago.
    Chances are, you used a telephone — one with a cord attached to it and plugged into the wall — and you wrote letters..

  • What are the advantages of old means communication?

    Some of the benefits of traditional means of communication are that they are realistic and based on the daily lives of ordinary people; they can communicate attitudes, beliefs, values and feelings in powerful ways; they do not require understanding that comes with modern education in the majority of instances; they can .

  • What is the oldest known communication?

    The oldest known form of communication were cave paintings.
    After them came pictograms that eventually evolved into ideograms.
    Fast forward to 3500 BC and the first cuneiform writing was developed by the Sumerians, while the Egyptians developed what is known as hieroglyphic writing..

  • What was communication like 50 years ago?

    In the 1950s people relied on newspapers, mail, radio, television, and land-line telephones for communication.
    There were no cell phones, electronic mail, or social media.
    The telephone was the only means people had to communicate quickly with friends and family..

Modern-day human communication was initiated with the origin of speech, which began over 102,000 years ago (as sources suggest). However, as you can imagine, speech and language during these times held many imperfections, so people found it easier to communicate via symbols.

How have communication methods changed over time?

Over time, people’s living conditions and improvements in technology have led to a shift in communication methods

To communicate with others in the past, humans would utilize smoke signals; however, smoke signals only could convey a limited number of messages


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