Communication and language development 3 months

  • Your baby is starting to communicate with you in new ways.
    For example, your baby's cry when they're hungry might be different from when they're in pain.
    Your baby will still use facial expressions and body language to try to tell you things too.
    Your baby might start laughing.
At 3-4 months, your baby might: make eye contact with you. say 'ah goo' or another combination of vowels and consonants. babble and combine vowels and consonants, like 'ga ga ga ga', 'ba ba ba ba', 'ma ma ma ma' and 'da da da da'.
At this age: Your baby is babbling, making “a” and “ae” sounds. They make sounds when they feel happy. When you speak to them, they react with babbling, cooing, and little cries. They communicate their different needs by crying in different ways.
At three months, your baby takes “baby steps” toward comprehending and expressing words. You will doubtless thoroughly enjoy hearing him prattle away in a symphony rich with vowels and consonants and marvel at his gradual advancement in understanding the meaning of different words and sounds.


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