Community health index number

  • How do I find my chi number?

    Your CHI number may be included on other documents where appropriate.
    For example, the new Citizen's Entitlement Card will carry the CHI number.
    If you wish, you may request that the number is removed from your card..

  • How do I find my community health index chi number?

    The CHI number is a unique numeric identifier, allocated to each patient on first registration with the Service The CHI number is a 10-character code consisting of the 6-digit patient date of birth (format: ddmmyy), two digits, a 9th digit which is always even for females and odd for males and an arithmetical check .

  • How do I find my community health index number?

    The current CHI number consists of the 6 digit Date of Birth (DDMMYY) followed by a 3 digit sequence number and a check digit.
    The ninth digit is always even for females and odd for males..

  • How do I get a NHS number?

    Patients used to be given a medical card which contained their NHS number.
    These are no longer issued and if lost, do not need to be replaced.
    Patients who have never had an NHS number, should be encouraged to register with a GP practice.
    This will result in an NHS number being created for them..

  • Is Chi number the same as NHS number?

    The COMMUNITY HEALTH INDEX NUMBER (CHI NUMBER) uniquely identifies a PATIENT on the Community Health Index (Scotland) within the NHS in Scotland.
    It is the equivalent of the NHS NUMBER in England and Wales..

  • Is H&C number same as NHS number?

    It is the equivalent of the NHS NUMBER in England and Wales.
    The HEALTH AND CARE NUMBER is ten numeric digits in length, and is in the same format as the NHS NUMBER in England (3 3 4 format with the tenth digit being a modulus 11 check digit)..

  • Is NHS and Chi number the same?

    The COMMUNITY HEALTH INDEX NUMBER (CHI NUMBER) uniquely identifies a PATIENT on the Community Health Index (Scotland) within the NHS in Scotland.
    It is the equivalent of the NHS NUMBER in England and Wales..

  • What is a chi number or hc number?

    The 10 digits alone without any spaces are all that is necessary when entering an NHS number into any electronic system.
    Different NHS numbering systems are used in Scotland (Scottish Community Health Index (CHI) number) and Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland Health and Care (H&C) number)..

  • What is a community health index number?

    The CHI number is a unique numeric identifier, allocated to each patient on first registration with the Service The CHI number is a 10-character code consisting of the 6-digit patient date of birth (format: ddmmyy), two digits, a 9th digit which is always even for females and odd for males and an arithmetical check .

  • What is the community health index?

    The Community Health Index (CHI) is a population register, which is used in Scotland for health care purposes.
    The CHI number uniquely identifies a person on the index..

  • Description.
    The COMMUNITY HEALTH INDEX NUMBER (CHI NUMBER) uniquely identifies a PATIENT on the Community Health Index (Scotland) within the NHS in Scotland.
    It is the equivalent of the NHS NUMBER in England and Wales.
  • If you have never had NHS care or treatment
    You can register with a GP surgery to get an NHS number.
    If you do not already have an NHS number, you'll be assigned one during registration.
    You'll get a registration letter in the post and your NHS number will be shown in the letter.
  • Scottish Government.
    The Community Health Index (CHI) is a population register, which is used in Scotland for health care purposes.
  • So you might now notice your number on your medical records or in correspondence sent to you from the NHS.
    You don't need to memorise your CHI number.
    By using the number, NHS staff provide a more joined-up service between all of our different departments.
  • The COMMUNITY HEALTH INDEX NUMBER (CHI NUMBER) uniquely identifies a PATIENT on the Community Health Index (Scotland) within the NHS in Scotland.
    It is the equivalent of the NHS NUMBER in England and Wales.
The CHI number uniquely identifies a person on the index. At present the CHI number is being added to local Master Patient Indexes. As it becomes more widely used, it will be an important step in preserving confidentiality by making names on data less important than they are now.
The CHI number is a unique numeric identifier, allocated to each patient on first registration with the Service The CHI number is a 10-character code consisting of the 6-digit patient date of birth (format: ddmmyy), two digits, a 9th digit which is always even for females and odd for males and an arithmetical check
The CHI number is a unique numeric identifier, allocated to each patient on first registration with the Service The CHI number is a 10-character code consisting of the 6-digit patient date of birth (format: ddmmyy), two digits, a 9th digit which is always even for females and odd for males and an arithmetical check
The COMMUNITY HEALTH INDEX NUMBER (CHI NUMBER) uniquely identifies a PATIENT on the Community Health Index (Scotland) within the NHS in Scotland.

What does a community need index?

Community Need Index.
Catholic Healthcare West (CHW) is utilizing and sharing its Community Need Index™ (CNI), a powerful resource for public health planning that is being used by health care and community organizations nationwide to assess community need and strategically allocate resources, as one means to identify disparities.

What is a community health indicator?

Indicators are required to assess the health of a community and also to compare the health status of one community with the other.
Also they are required to monitor and evaluate the success of health services and health programmes.
An ideal health indicator should be valid, reliable, sensitive and specific.

What is the Community Health Index (CHI)?

The Community Health Index (CHI) is a population register, which is used for patients resident in Scotland for health care purposes.
The CHI number is a unique numeric identifier, allocated to each patient on first registration with the Service The CHI number is a 10-character code consisting of the 6-digit patient date of birth (format:

  • ddmmyy)
  • two digits
  • a 9th digit which is always even ..
  • Can a Chi number be used as a health record identifier?

    The CHI number should always be used to identify a patient

    However, Health record identifiers, such as hospital numbers in Patient Administration Systems (PAS), may be used locally, in conjunction with the CHI number or in the absence of the CHI number, to track patients and their records

    What is the Community Health Index?


    The Community Health Index is a register of all patients in NHS Scotland

    CHI Index contains details of all Scottish residents and exists to ensure that patients can be correctly identified, and that relevant information pertaining to a patients health is available to providers of care

    Practitioner Services uses the NHS Scotland national patient database to keep a note of the GP practice that a patient is registered at…

    Air pollution index used in Canada

    The Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) is a scale designed in Canada to help understand the impact of air quality on health.
    It is a health protection tool used to make decisions to reduce short-term exposure to air pollution by adjusting activity levels during increased levels of air pollution.
    The Air Quality Health Index also provides advice on how to improve air quality by proposing behavioral change to reduce the environmental footprint.
    This index pays particular attention to people who are sensitive to air pollution.
    It provides them with advice on how to protect their health during air quality levels associated with low, moderate, high and very high health risks.
    Community health index number
    Community health index number

    Type of horticulture and food production

    A community garden is a piece of land gardened or cultivated by a group of people individually or collectively.
    Normally in community gardens, the land is divided into individual plots.
    Each individual gardener is responsible for their own plot and the yielding or the production of which belongs to the individual.
    In collective gardens the piece of land is not divided.
    A group of people cultivate it together and the harvest belongs to all participants.
    Around the world, community gardens exist in various forms, it can be located in the proximity of neighborhoods or on balconies and rooftops.
    Its size can vary greatly from one to another.
    Macroinvertebrate Community Index (MCI) is an index used in New Zealand to

    Macroinvertebrate Community Index (MCI) is an index used in New Zealand to

    An indicator of water quality and overall stream health

    Macroinvertebrate Community Index (MCI) is an index used in New Zealand to measure the water quality of fresh water streams.
    The presence or lack of macroinvertebrates such as insects, worms and snails in a river or stream can give a biological indicator on the health of that waterway.
    The MCI assigns a number to each species of macroinvertebrate based on the sensitivity of that species to pollution.
    The index then calculates an average score.
    A higher score on the MCI generally indicates a more healthy stream.
    Multiple deprivation index

    Multiple deprivation index

    UK measure of poverty

    Indices of multiple deprivation (IMD) are widely-used datasets within the UK to classify the relative deprivation of small areas.
    Multiple components of deprivation are weighted with different strengths and compiled into a single score of deprivation.

    The National Health Service Central Register (NHSCR) is a Scottish Government database accessible to public bodies approved by the Scottish Parliament.
    The register was established in the early 1950s to facilitate the transfer of patients between Health Board areas or across borders within the countries of the United Kingdom.
    However, its role has expanded over the decades and it now also provides Scottish local authorities with a Unique Citizen Reference Number or UCRN used to identify people on their own databases.

    NHS numbers are the unique numbers allocated in a shared numbering scheme to registered users of the three public health services in England, Wales and the Isle of Man.
    It is the key to the identification of patients, especially in delivering safe care across provider organisations, and is required in all new software deployed within these National Health Services (NHS).


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