Community health definition ppt

Dec 20, 2017OBJECTIVES OFCOMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING • To increase the competency of individuals, families, groups and community to deal with their own health 

How should community health services be provided?

Community health services should be provided directly or indirectly to individuals, family or community.
Family is the basic unit and the health of one member affects the health of the others in the family. 63. 12.
Community health services should be provided on a continuous basis so as to improve the health status of the community. 64. 13.

What does community health mean?

COMMUNITY HEALTH- DEFINITION • “Community HEALTH REFERS TO THE HEALTH Status of the members of the community, to the problems affecting their health and to the totality of health care provided to the community”.
WHO (1971) 14.
C.E.A WINSLOW • Is the father of public health. • He defines public health as follows. 15.

What is public health in a broader context?

17 SAY:爀屲Let’s talk about public health in a broader context.
Public health problems are diverse and can include:

  • infectious diseൡses
  • chronic diseases
  • emergencies
  • injuries
  • environmental health problems
  • as well as other health threats.
  • What topics are covered in a public health class?

    Key topics in the class include:

  • the mission of public health
  • the politics of public health
  • determinants of health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  • major models and strategies for health promotion
  • and community perspectives on public health interventions .
  • What are the characteristics of a community / public health?

    community/public health 1 Membership 2 Common symbol system 3 Shared values and norms 4 Mutual influence 5 Shared needs and commitment 6

    Shared emotional connection 1500 B


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