Community health assist scheme

  • How do I replace my Chas card?

    To request for a replacement card, please complete this form.
    We will generally respond within 3 working days from the date of enquiry.
    Depending on the complexity of your enquiry, we will notify you if more time is required.
    Alternatively, you may call our hotline at 1800-ASK-CHAS (1800-275-2427)..

  • How do you use a Chas card?

    Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation cardholders can use their Pioneer Generation or Merdeka Generation card at any CHAS clinic to obtain CHAS subsidies.
    Simply present the card at a CHAS-participating GP or dental clinic when seeking treatment.Oct 2, 2023.

  • How do you use a Chas card?

    To receive treatment with CHAS
    Please call your preferred clinic for details on the range of services available.
    You may use the clinic locator to find the nearest clinic to you.
    To receive subsidies for your treatment at the CHAS clinic, please produce your valid CHAS, MG or PG card and NRIC during the visit..

  • Is Chas from MediSave?

    Besides enjoying CHAS subsidies for the treatment of their chronic conditions, patients can also tap on their MediSave to defray part of the cost of these treatments..

  • What does Chas cover?

    The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) cardholders, to receive subsidies for medical and/or dental care* at participating General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics..

  • When was Chas introduced in Singapore?

    Introduced in 2012, CHAS has benefitted Singapore Citizens from lower to middle-income households, and the Pioneer Generation, to receive subsidies at participating General Practitioners (GP) and dental clinics near their home..

  • CHAS Blue Card vs CHAS Green Card vs CHAS Orange Card vs Merdeka Generation CHAS vs Pioneer Generation CHAS Benefits.
    Cardholders with the Blue Chas Card get the most subsidies, the Orange CHAS Card cardholders get less while the Green CHAS card cardholders get the least.
Oct 2, 2023The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation cardholders, to 
The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) cardholders, to receive  Eligibility and ApplicationCHAS SubsidiesAbout the SchemeAbout CHAS
The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Pioneer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) cardholders, to receive 
The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation cardholders, to receive subsidies for medical and/or dental care at participating General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics.

2023 Update: Greater Benefits For Chas Cardholders Under Healthier SG

The Ministry of Health has announced that from early 2024, CHAS cardholders with high medication requirements and bills can opt for the Healthier SG Chronic Tier, which subsidises up to 87.5% of the cost of whitelist chronic medications, depending on your income level.
You may refer to the table below for more details on these subsidies.
Source: He.

Chas Card Application Process

Once you have met the eligibility criteria for the CHAS card, you can proceed with the application process.
There are two ways in which one can apply for this scheme: via online or physical application.

Chas Card Eligibility Criteria

All Singapore Citizens are eligible to apply for this scheme.
The CHAS card was specifically introduced to help lower-income Singaporeans and seniors alleviate some of the cost when it comes to their medical bill.
In order to qualify, individuals will be assessed according to their household monthly income per person or the Annual Value (AV) of one.

Chas Subsidies

Once you’ve determined which tier you fall under based on the eligibility criteria, it’s time to find out the amount of subsidies you are entitled to.
The table below shows the subsidies given based on the colour of the card:

How Do I Receive Subsidies at A Chas Clinic?

There are over 1,000 CHAS clinics all over Singapore, making it incredibly accessible to receive medical help for all your healthcare needs.
To receive subsidies for your treatment, you will need to bring along your NRIC and CHAS, Merdeka Generation (MG), or Pioneer Generation (PG)card during your scheduled visit.
Alternatively, you can use your di.

Services and Health Conditions Covered by Chas

CHAS covers three main services and health condition tiers: Common Illnesses, Chronic Conditions, and Dental Services.
Common Illnesses Common illnesses are occasional acute conditionsthat do not require long-term follow-up and can be resolved easily with rest and medication.
Chronic Conditions Chronic conditionsare progressive illnesses or disease.

What Happens After My application?

Applications are typically processed within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the completed application.
Once the application has been deemed successful, applicants and members of the household will receive their CHAS card in the mail along with a welcome pack containing important information on the use of the card.
It is only then that t.

What Is The Community Health Assist Scheme (Chas)?

The Community Health Assist Scheme, better known as CHAS, was set up by the Ministry of Health (MOH) back in 2000 to enable all Singapore Citizens to receive financial subsidies for medical and dental care at participating General Practitioners (GP) and dental clinics located near their homes.
Compared to other schemes that specifically cater to a .

Why Are There Three Different Chas Cards and What Do They Mean?

If you have ever considered applying for the CHAS card, you’ll know that there are three different types of cards that vary by colour: blue, green, andorange.
These three colours indicate the different levels of subsidies that cardholders are entitled to.
Merdeka and Pioneer Generationcard holders are also eligible for the subsidies provided under .

How do I apply for CHAS subsidies in Singapore?

To enjoy CHAS subsidies, Singaporean households are required to submit an application

You can apply for CHAS via the online application

Singapore Citizens aged 21 and above can apply for CHAS online on behalf of their household members

What are the benefits of Chas?

Provides subsidies for medical and dental care at participating clinics for Singapore Citizens from lower income households

What are the benefits? Subsidies at CHAS clinics for selected illnesses, chronic conditions, and dental treatments Subsidised health screening, childhood developmental screening, and nationally-recommended vaccinations

What is community health assist Scheme (CHAS)?

The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Pioneeer Generation (PG) and Merdeka Generation (MG) cardholders, to receive subsidies for medical and dental care at participating GP and dental clinics

The Community Health Assist Scheme, better known as CHAS, was set up by the Ministry of Health (MOH) back in 2000 to enable all Sin
Community health assist scheme
Community health assist scheme
Police Mitra or Friends of Police is an initiative of the State police in different states of India.
Civilian citizens having 'good social record' like ex-army men, students, advocates and housewives are responsible in tying up with the police beat staff to look after the law and order, traffic and crowd management, safety of women prevention of crime and informing about suspected elements around their area.
The arm bands and ID cards provided to police mitras give them the authority to help the police in fighting crime without any salary. Police Mitra Kaksh were also set up in Haryana. Police Mitras also assist Government Railway Police (Mumbai). Police Mitras are also used in maintaining peace in disturbed areas by police department.


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