Citizen journalism notes pdf

  • The theoretical frameworks are Erving Goffman's theory of self presentation and Rom Harré and Luk van Langenhove's positioning theory.
    The former is used to explore Lamotte's self presentation in the texts, in his role as a citizen journalist.
Throughout history, citizen journalism has changed and morphed but has remained one of the vital parts of modern civil society. Citizen journalism gives 

When was citizen journalism first used?

The second one was the 2004 Asian tsunami, where the term “citizen journalism” was used for the first time, while the third one were the 2005 London bombings when witnesses started sending their footage of the attack to the mainstream media (2011: 9)


Defining citizen journalism There are many different definitions of citizen journalism


Community newspapers online
Citizen journalism why
How can journalism affect the community
Community newspapers canada
Community media forum europe
Community media for development
Citizen journalism is also called
Citizen journalism issues
Citizen journalism is sometimes criticized for
Citizen journalism is on the rise
Citizen journalism school
Media community school
What schools offer journalism
Journalism community
Citizen journalism about
What is community journalism about
Nyt communications
New york times community
Citizen journalism by jessica roberts
History of community journalism