Comparative law and private international law

  • Comparative & European Private International Law LLM

    Comparative international law utilizes insights and methods from comparative law in order to identify, analyze, and explain similarities and differences in how international law is understood, interpreted, applied, and approached by different national and international actors..

  • Comparative law - Wikipedia

    Comparative international law utilizes insights and methods from comparative law in order to identify, analyze, and explain similarities and differences in how international law is understood, interpreted, applied, and approached by different national and international actors..

  • Private International Law in: Elgar Encyclopedia of Comparative Law

    Comparative international law utilizes insights and methods from comparative law in order to identify, analyze, and explain similarities and differences in how international law is understood, interpreted, applied, and approached by different national and international actors..

  • The Role of Comparative Jurisprudence in Private International Law

    Comparative international law utilizes insights and methods from comparative law in order to identify, analyze, and explain similarities and differences in how international law is understood, interpreted, applied, and approached by different national and international actors..

On the most basic level, comparative law simply provides the information about foreign law that private international law requires. Of course, as has often been  Comparative Law as a Method Comparative Law as a Tool
The main reason is that both disciplines deal with foreign legal systems—comparative law because it studies them directly, private international law because it needs to solve potential conflicts between domestic and foreign law.
The main reason is that both disciplines deal with foreign legal systems—comparative law because it studies them directly, private international law because it needs to solve potential conflicts between domestic and foreign law.
The main reason is that both disciplines deal with foreign legal systems—comparative law because it studies them directly, private international law because it  Comparative Law as a Method Comparative Law as a Tool

What is private international law?

Private international law deals and then to resolve it

The dominant legal technique is one of broad standards and principles; justice in the individual case is often prioritized over ex ante predictability


Here, predictability and uniformity of result are sometimes considered more

What is the difference between comparative law and international law?

Comparative law is involved in the application of private international law doctrines

This applicable law on the basis of the substantive content of different rules

By contrast, its content, and then applied without regard to the process by which it was determined

What is the Max Planck Institute for comparative & international private law?

The Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law embraces the task of critically studying the social, economic and legal challenges of globalisation

The Institute library is Europe’s largest library specialising in foreign and international private law and is recognised worldwide for its scope and services

Academic journal

The African Journal of International and Comparative Law is published twice yearly by the Edinburgh University Press in March and September.
The journal publishes refereed articles in international and comparative law on a pan-African basis.
Articles cover public and private international law and each issue includes a section on recent developments relevant to the continent.
The majority of articles are in English with articles in French also published.
After a break in publication, the journal was restarted with Edinburgh University Press in 2005, with the approval of the original publishers, the African Society of International and Comparative Law.
Comparative law and private international law
Comparative law and private international law

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The International Law Commission (ILC) is a body of experts

The International Law Commission (ILC) is a body of experts responsible for helping develop and codify international law.
It is composed of 34 individuals recognized for their expertise and qualifications in international law, who are elected by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) every five years.


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