Comparative legal research methodology

  • What is a comparative legal research methodology?

    Comparative legal research is a systematic exposition of rules, institutions, and procedures or their application prevalent in one or more legal systems or their sub-systems with a comparative evaluation after an objective estimation of their similarities and differences and their implications..

  • What is comparative analysis research methodology?

    Comparative analysis is a way to look at two or more similar things to see how they are different and what they have in common.
    It is used in many ways and fields to help people understand the similarities and differences between products better..

  • What method is used in comparative research?

    These include descriptive, basic explanatory, comparison of relation, and comparative explanatory questions.
    These four types of questions differ in the degree of sophistication in regard to explanatory ambitions and have different requirements in terms of quality and quantity of cases..

  • Why do we use comparative method in research?

    Comparative research methods have long been used in cross-cultural studies to identify, analyse and explain similarities and differences across societies..

  • The comparative method pursues two goals alternately.
    On the one hand, it seeks to accentuate the distinctive feature of each individual case, and on the other, attempts to derive evidence on general developments from case studies.
  • What is a comparative analysis in research? Comparative analysis is the process that researchers use to compare various datasets to see what they have in common.
    They can compare and contrast variables to see their similarities and differences.
Jan 24, 2020Hoecke, posits six methods for comparative research: 'the functional method, the structural method, the analytical method, the law-in-context 
Six methods have been identified: the functional method, the structural one, the analytical one, the law-in-context method, the historical method, and the common core method. Basically, it is the aim of the research and the research question that will determine which methods could be useful.
Sometimes 'comparing' is considered to be a 'method' in its own right and called 'the comparative method' without further explanation or concrete guidelines.

Do comparative law professors use methodology?

Comparatists often use methodology (or methodologies) when they refer to several methods developed in the field

43 See O Kahn-Freund, ‘Comparative Law as an Academic Subject’ (1966) 82 Law Quarterly Review 40, 41: ‘On the professor of comparative law the Gods have bestowed the most dangerous of their gifts, the gift of freedom’

What is a comparative research method?

The term ‘comparative’ implies that, a researcher seeks to compare one subject with another

At the core of comparative research methods, some authors argue that some extent of similarities referred to as, the ‘ comparability’ or ‘ construct equivalence’ should exist


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