International law and examples

  • Areas of international law

    Charter of the United.

  • Areas of international law

    For example, the Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement on climate change.
    In this protocol, many countries have agreed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to protect the environment.
    Another example is the Convention on the Rights of the Child..

  • What is an example of an international law?

    For example, the Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement on climate change.
    In this protocol, many countries have agreed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in order to protect the environment.
    Another example is the Convention on the Rights of the Child..

Oct 10, 2023International law is an independent system of law existing outside the legal orders of particular states. It differs from domestic legal systems  International lawInternational organizationsInternational cooperationCustom
The rules of international law are found in treaties, conventions, declarations, agreements, customs and other sources. For example, the Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement on climate change.

What are some examples of international law?

International law covers a lot of things

These are just a few examples: Human Rights International peace and security International trade International Crimes (Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes) The Law of War (also known as International Humanitarian Law) Diplomatic relations Extradition Investment treaties Economic development

What are the four main sources of international law?

Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice lists four principal sources of international law: conventions/treaties, customary law, general principles of law, and judicial decisions/scholarly articles

Treaties are binding agreements between nations that govern the rights and obligations of participating countries

What is a subject of international law?

Subjects of international law (b) movable State property of the predecessor State connected with the activity of the pre- decessor State in respect of the territory to which the succession of States relates shall pass to the successor State

article 15 newly independent State 1
×Examples of international law include:
  • Citizenship, naturalisation, nationalisation, neutrality, and extradition rules and regulations.
  • Rules and regulations affecting the exchange of ambassadors and envoys who represent one State in another State.
  • Labor standards aligned with International Labor Organization (ILO) standards.
  • World Trade Organization (WTO) regulations.
  • Customs requirements.
  • Global ethics.
  • Intellectual property.
  • Public international law, which deals with those nations and persons that may be affected by those particular laws.
  • Private international law, which governs private conflicts between individuals, rather than between the states.
  • Supranational law.
In international law, a mandate is a binding obligation issued from an inter-governmental organization to a country which is bound to follow the instructions of the organization.


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