Comparative law research topics

  • Why is comparative research important?

    Comparative studies in public administration have some advantages because they improve the understanding of problems across different systems, provide classifications of different processes/subjects/objects, enable to test hypotheses, and provide information for predictions and control of phenomena for supporting best .

  • Comparative method is about looking at an object of study in relation to another.
    The object of study is normally compared across space and/or time.
    Comparative methods can be qualitative and quantitative.
    Often, there is a trade-off: the more cases to compare, the less comparable variables available and vice versa.
Jul 12, 2022Comparative Law ResearchAcademic scholarshipLegislation drafting and law reform effortsHarmonization of lawsAdvocacy, e.g. demonstrating 
Jul 12, 2022The WORLD Policy Analysis Center provides access to global research, data, and maps for sharing ideas and resources on social policies from 
Jul 28, 2023Comparative law is a method of legal study comparing legal systems with each other. As the world has become smaller through the effects of 

What are common law research areas?

Some common law research areas include:

  • business law
  • commercial law
  • environmental law
  • international law
  • medical law
  • constitutional law
  • cyber law
  • family law and so on.
    As law is a broad subject with endless research topics, it might be difficult for you to choose the most interesting idea from them.
  • What are the key topics in Comparative Law?

    Key topics in Comparative Law concern politics, religion, international criminal law, and finance.
    For instance, transnational faith-based legislations are an essential part of comparative law.
    Knowledge in the Sharia law is crucial in the drafting of regulations for Muslim countries.

    What are the theoretical issues of pure Comparative Law?

    concern of pure comparative law. 52 I have chosen three theoretical issues:

  • the compatibility of Roman-Dutch and English law; the transplantability of legal rules or institutions; and the adaptability of fundamental legal institutions.
    The compatibility of English and Roman-Dutch law .
  • What is comparative legal research?

    Comparative legal research is used to ensure that the law enforcement officers strictly conformed to the law while securing the confession.
    The law enforcement officers cannot use illegally obtained confessions and evidence against the defendant.
    Moreover, the police are restricted from conducting unreasonable searches without probable cause.

    What is the relevance of Comparative Legal Research (CLR)?


    The relevance of comparative legal research (CLR) consists in comparative evaluation of human experience occurring in legal systems of different juris Skip to Main Content Advertisement Search Menu Menu

    Comparative law research topics
    Comparative law research topics

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