International law doctrines

  • What are the principles of international law?

    The United Nations Charter sets out the fundamental principles of modern public international law, notably: Promotion of human rights; The strict limitation on the right to use force against other states; The strict prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force..

  • What is the doctrine of Postliminium in international law?

    : the right or rule of international law under which when persons or things taken by an enemy in war come again under the control of their own state they as a general rule regain the rights belonging or relating to them before capture..

  • In summary, a principle is a fundamental and abstract concept that guides legal reasoning and decision-making, while a doctrine is a more specific and formal set of principles or rules that apply to a particular area of law.
  • The interpretative methods of international law fall into four categories: textual (2.1), systematic (or contextual) (2.2), purposive (or teleological) (2.3), and historical (2.4).
    They are congruent with the four methods of statutory interpretation identified by Friedrich Karl von Savigny.
International law doctrines such as irredentism, postliminium, prescription, terra sine domino, terra nullius, uti possidetis, etc., are often used to justify 
Therefore, the main task of representatives of doctrine is to clarify legal norms through proving their existence, deriving them from formal sources of law or 

Why is doctrine important in international law?

Doctrine is the field of ideas, inspirations, and aspirations from which the international legal order emerged and from which it still nourishes itself; from that perspective, international law is an eminently ‘ doctus ’ law and legal technicalities cannot overshadow the importance of doctrine

Doctrine of total levelling of civilian buildings

The Dahiya doctrine, or Dahya doctrine, is a military strategy of asymmetric warfare, outlined by former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot, which encompasses the destruction of the civilian infrastructure of regimes deemed to be hostile as a measure calculated to deny combatants the use of that infrastructure and endorses the employment of disproportionate force to secure that end.
International law doctrines
International law doctrines
The Drago Doctrine was announced in 1902 by Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs Luis María Drago in a diplomatic note to the United States.
This doctrine stated that simply failing to repay national debt was not a valid reason for foreign intervention, especially by a power outside of the Western Hemisphere.
The doctrine was a response to the European powers' blockade of Venezuela, which occurred after the country defaulted on its debt.
Washington accepted and used the Drago doctrine.
In order to prevent further interventions, the United States took control of the customs of several Latin American countries to ensure debt payments were made to Europe.

Key goals, attitudes, or stances for United States foreign affairs outlined by a President

A United States presidential doctrine comprises the key goals, attitudes, or stances for United States foreign affairs outlined by a president.
Most presidential doctrines are related to the Cold War.
Though many U.S. presidents had themes related to their handling of foreign policy, the term doctrine generally applies to presidents such as James Monroe, Harry S.
Truman, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, all of whom had doctrines which more completely characterized their foreign policy.


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