Comparative law history

This paper traces the history of comparative law up to the middle of the. nineteenth century. The more recent development will be treated in a separate.

Are comparative techniques a good antidote to purely national legal history?

Within legal history, comparative techniques and perspectives are increasingly regarded as a welcome antidote to purely national legal histories.
Many legal systems share common rules, institutions, legal concepts and ideas.
National legal history explains these features only by reference to national circumstances.

Does comparative law have a conflict of interest with legal history?

Both legal history and comparative law have good reasons to jointly explore the analytical potential of his concept of legal traditions and possible modifications of it in their academic practice.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

What is comparative legal history?

Comparative legal history is the study of law in two or more different places or at different times. As a discipline, it emerged between 1930 and 1960 in response to legal formalism, and builds on scattered uses of legal-historical comparison since antiquity. It uses ,the techniques of legal history and comparative law.

×1667The origins of modern Comparative Law can be traced back to Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1667 in his Latin-language book Nova Methodus Discendae Docendaeque Iurisprudentiae (New Methods of Studying and Teaching Jurisprudence). The expression "comparative law" is a modern one, first used in the 19th century when it became clear that the comparison of legal institutions deserved a systematic approach, in order to increase understanding of foreign cultures and to further legal progress. The historical school of thought did not encourage the development or study of comparative law.


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