International law careers reddit

  • Law School Ranking Based on Prestige

    Yale (100)Harvard (96)Stanford (93)Chicago (87)Columbia (86)Penn (81)NYU (80)UVA (78)

How do I get a job in international law?

If you want to do international law, get great grades, learn to interview well and get a job at a firm with an international practice (all major BigLaw firms have them)--once in the firm try to get placed in international practice and start developing your career there.

Is international law a good career?

If you want to enact change on a global scale, take your advocacy one step further and embark on a career in international law.
Jobs for lawyers are expected to increase by 6% from 2014 through 2024, and the median pay for lawyers is $115,000 per year, making for a favorable career outlook.

What does an international lawyer do?

In addition to having a strong understanding of human rights, an international lawyer must understand the policies that govern the international community.
The International Law MicroMasters program from LouvainX will give you an understanding of the international laws that regulate human rights, war, and the economy.

Can I get a job with an international law degree?

But having initial professional experience once you graduate from a Bachelor's of Law (LL


) is essential for you to stand out in the search of an International Law degree job

If you also have a Master’s degree in International Law, there’s little standing in the way of a great career


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